CBT Flashcards
In the presence of an abnormal CTG, fetal hypoxia and acidosis may develop faster
or may affect the neonatal outcome in the following situations compared with an
averagely grown fetus at term
When the fetus has intrauterine growth restriction
Concerning decelerations in a CTG
A CTG with variable decelerations is categorized as suspicious
A young woman comes to you for family planning counseling. She asks you about the mechanism of work of the combined pill. What should you tell her?
Combined pill prevents ovulation
A P2A0, 35 years old woman comes to you for family planning counseling. She is interested in combined pill. What conditions below are contraindications for combined pills?
You are attending a primigravida, 24 years full term pregnancy who are already in labor. The contraction was 3 times in 10 minutes strong and regular. During the process of engagement what is the position of sagittal suture against the pelvic brim?
You do an abdominal palpation using Leopold maneuver I. What are you going detect?
The height of the fundus
Mrs P, 30 yo, P1A0 come to your clinic with mass in abdominal, On examination, the upper border of mass is at the middle level between the umbilicus and symphysis os pubicum. Her last period be around 3 weeks ago. On pelvic examination, the consistency of the mass is cystic, mobile in the right abdomen, the uterus with in normal limit in palpation, there is no pain, no blood in vaginal vault, cervix is closed.
The laboratory results are mentioned below.Hb 10,3 Al 4.000 AT 210.000 The most likely diagnosis is?
Ovarian cyst
A POAO 29-year-old woman presents to your clinic with mass in the abdomen. She has history of prolonged vaginal bleeding when she had menstruation period. She has been married for 4 years. On examination, the uterine fundus is at the midle level between the umbilicus and symphysis os pubicum. Her last period, she should be around 3 weeks. On pelvic examination, there is a solid mass with size 9 cmx 8cm x 7 cm, mobile, there is no mass in the adnexa and no blood in the vaginal vault the cervix is closed.
uterine fibroid
A 29-year-old woman, gravida 2, para 1, at 38 weeks’ gestation comes to the labor and delivery ward with frequent painful contractions. Her prenatal course was significant for a urine culture that showed 100,000 colony-forming units/milliliter of Group-B streptococci and asthma, for which she uses an albuterol inhaler. Examination shows that she is contracting every 2 minutes and her cervix is 5 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced. Which of the following medications should this patient be treated with during labor and delivery?
A 39-year-old woman, gravida 2, para 1, at 30-weeks gestation comes to the physician for a prenatal visit. The patient’s due date was determined by a 7-week ultrasound. Her prenatal course has been unremarkable. She has no complaints of contractions, loss of fluid, or bleeding from the vagina, and her baby is moving well. Examination demonstrates a fetal heart rate of 150 and a fundal height of 27 centimeters, which is the same measurement as that determined 4 weeks ago. This patient’s fundal height measurement is most suggestive of which of the following?
intrauterine growth restriction
Menstrual flow is associated with the …
withdrawal of progesterone
Which of the following is true regarding the normal menstrual cycle?
The endometrium is supplied with blood by the spiral arteries
Which one is the correct
Adrenal gland produce DHEA, ovary does not
Which are the enzyme located in the mitochondria
P450scc and P450c11
A 26-year-old sexually active woman with a past history of gonorrhea complains of severe pelvic pain, vaginal discharge, and febrile. There are rebound tenderness and involuntary during physical examination. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Cervical motion tenderness is associated with peritoneal irritation and is commonly found with which of the following nongynecologic disorders?
Seorang perempuan berusia 28 tahun datang ke Puskesmas dengan keluhan
terdapat benjolan kemerahan pada bibir kemaluan. Keluhan dirasakan sejak satu tahun yang lalu. Benjolan sebesar telur ayam, dirasakan gatal dan kadang nyeri. Pasien juga mengeluhkan keputihan yang gatal. Dari pemeriksaan status lokalis vulva didapatkan terdapat benjolan sebesar telur ayam, konsistensi lunak, tidak nyeri tekan. Sedikit fluor, berwarna putih, berbau tidak khas. Apakah kemungkinan diagnosa kasus?
kista bartolini
Seorang perempuan berusia 30 tahun, G3P3A0, diantar suaminya ke UGD RS
dengan keluhan perut kenceng-kenceng. Ketuban pecah sejak 24 jam yang lalu.Hasil pemeriksaan Leopold janin tunggal, letak kepala, taksiran berat janin 3000 gram, denyut jantung janin 120 x/ menit. Didapatkan his 2 kali dalam 20 menit. Pemeriksaan vaginal toucher pembukaan 4 cm, effacement 50%, kepala turun di bidang hodge Apakah tindakan yang paling tepat?
perbaikan his
Which of the following is a risk factor for the development of placenta acrreta, increta and percreta?
Placenta previa.
Which of the following increases the risk of placenta previa
prior cesarean delivery
What is the term for no visible fetus in the gestational sac
Blighted ovum
What is the most common ectopic tubal implantation site
Which investigation should be done in the first time for infertility investigation
Infertility in older women may be due to
A higher rate of chromosomal abnormalities that occur in the eggs
Which of the following methods for assessment of female fertility during a menstrual cycle can best predict the timing of ovulation
Hormonal study
Clomphene citrate-True statements
anti estrogenic
Wanita 28 tahun datang ke dokter karena sudah menikah 5 thn yll tapi belum bisa hamil juga. dokter melakukan pemeriksaan fern test pada hari ke 12 dan hasilnya positif. kemudian pasien diperiksa lagi fern test pada hari ke 20 dan hasilnya negatif. apa arti hasil pemeriksaan?
Pasien G1POAO muntah2, lama2 semakin memberat, hingga tidak bisa masuk kerja. Usia kehamilan 10 minggu, di USG umur kehamilan sesuai tinggi fundus dan ukuran janin.Diagnosis?
Hiperemesis gravidarum
Seorang wanita berusia 35 tahun, P2A0 setelah melahirkan, baru saja melahirkan anak keduanya di bidan. Didapatkan ruptur pada daerah perineum. Dari pemeriksaan, ditemukan robekan dari introitus vagina hingga otot sphincter ani eksterna. Ruptur perineum grade berapakah yang terjadi pada pasien tersebut?
Perempuan 30 tahun datang dengan keluhan keluar darah sedikit-sedikit dari
kemaluannya. Dari pemeriksaan ternyata diketahui pasien hamil usia 30 minggu dan belum pernah melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan sebelumnya. TTV dalam batas normal. Kenceng-kenceng (-). Tidak dirasakan nyeri perut maupun nyeri pinggang. Diagnosis pada kasus ini adalah?
placenta previa
Post-menopausal women who are overweight or obese who suffered from endometrial bleeding is most likely caused by
Aromatase activity in adipose tissue
Where estradiol 17-beta is is produced?
Granulose cell, FSH
A mother, P3A0 is visiting a clinic because she has been occasionally leaking urine when she is coughing or sneezing. This symptom disappears when she is having some rests. What is the diagnosis for this patient?
Urinary incontinence
A 30 years old woman, G3P2A0 and her husband came to the emergency unit due to labor contractions. She has been leaking her amniotic fluid since 12 hours ago. Leopold examination revealed a singleton with head presentation. The estimated birth weight was 3000 gr and FHR was 120x/min. The frequency of the
contraction was 2 times in 20 minutes. Bimanual examination revealed a 4cm cervical dilatation, 50% of cervical effacement and the fetal head has been descending until hodge 2. What is the appropriate intervention for this patient?
Induction of the labor
A 34 year old woman, P3A0 visited a healthcare service due to abnormal discharge from the vagina. The discharge was yellowish and thick. The patient
also suffered from itchiness and burnt sensation on external genital area, as well as painful urination. The patient was still using IUD at that time. A strawberry cervix sign was observed from speculum examination. What might be the most probable diagnosis for this patient?
Chlamydial infection is the most common bacterial STI and results in substantial morbidity and economic cost worldwide. Untreated chlamydial infection may cause severe complications in the upper reproductive tract, especially in young women. Which of the following is the complication of the disease?
Ectopic pregnancy
Female receptive partner is more susceptible for HIV transmission that the insertive (male). Which of the following is the least likely to be the cause of the phenomenon?
Vaginal fluids contain more HIV on the average than semen
Syphillis is a STI bacteria caused by:
Treponema pallidum
The drugs listed below are used as treatment for syphilis. Which drug that should not be used for pregnant women treated for syphilis?
Seorang wanita 28 tahun G2P1A0, datang ke rs dengan penurunan kesadaran. Sejam sebelumnya sempat kejang. TD 150/90 mmHg, HR 100x/min, RR 28x/min, terdapat edema tungkai inferior, pemeriksaan laboratorium menunjukkan proteinuria 3+. Diagnosis yang tepat adalah?
Wanita hamil mual muntah, tanda2 hiperemesis gravidarum. Hormone yang menyebabkan keluhan?
Estrogen & hCG
Wanita hamil 34 minggu, sebelum nya tidak ada riwayat hipertensi. ANC didapatkan tensi 150/100 dengan proteinuria +2. Apa yang dilakukan?
Rawat jalan dengan pertahankan kehamilan
Pasien hamil dengan kejang setelah diperiksa TORCH kemudian diberikan edukasi
Tidak makan daging setengah matang
Seorang perempuan umur 24 tahun, G1P0A0 gravid 40mgg, masuk rumah sakit dengan keluhan nyeri perut. Sampai di RS, pasien kejang 2x. dari heteroanamnesis, pasien masih merasakan gerakan bayi. Dari pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan TD 180/120, proteinuria +3. Diagnosis pasien?
Gravid aterm belum inpartu + eklamsia
.Peremuan 35 tahun G3P2A0, uk 22mgg. Dating ke poliklinik untuk periksa kehamilan. Nyeri kepala dan penglihatan kabur (+). Riw HT sebelumnya ada tp pasien tidak minum obat teratur. TD 180/100. Proteinuria 300mg/dL. Dx?
PEB superimposed
Perempuan 38 tahun datang dengan bidan dengan keluhan perdarahan banyak setelah melahirkan anak ke-7 dengan BBL 4200g. placenta lahir 5 menit setelah bayi lahir. TD 120/80, HR 100, terdapat robekan pada otot perineum. Dx?
Rupture perineum derajat 2
Perempuan 28 tahun UK 34mgg, datang ke pkm dengan keluhan nyeri perut disertai keluar lender dan darah. Ibu ditangani dokter dan diberi kortikosteroid. Tujuannya?
Mempercepat kematangan paru
Perempuan usia 24 tahun datang dengan keluhan perdarahan pervaginam sejak pagi. Perdarahan bergumpal + nyeri perut. Riw melahirkan 1 mgg yang lalu. Px fisik tanda vital dbn. Px abdomen uterus teraba. Px dalam diperoleh pembukaan portio dan teraba jaringan. Dx?
Retensi plasenta
Perempuan 19 tahun, primigravida, tidak tahu HPHT. Px ginekologi fundus uteri teraba setinggi ½ simfisis-pusat. DJJ terdengar Doppler. Berapa perkiraan usia kehamilan pasien ini?
. 16-18 mgg
Perempuan 16 thn, datang ke UGD dgn perdarahan dari jalan lahir 3 hari yg lalu. Darah keluar bergumpal dan banyak. Pasien baru melahirkan anak pertama 5 hari yg lalu. Tanda vital normal, TFU setinggi pusat. V/U perdarahan dari kemaluan, banyak, dan bergumpal. Luka episiotomy baik, tidak ada robekan jalan lahir. Dx?
Retensi sisa plasenta