CBL 5_Waterbirth, Precipitous Birth, Newborn Dermatitis Flashcards
What drugs activate G1?
Miso and ergonovine
What does receptor that oxytocin binds to activate?
What drugs can compliment each other in a PPH?
Drugs that have different mechanisms ie (miso/ergonovine with oxy)
Are the numbers of homebirths with midwives increasing or decreasing in BC?
15 % 2017
Less than 10 % now
What is the recommendation on HB for low-risk multips?
Planning to give birth at home or in a midwifery led unit (freestanding or alongside) is particularly suitable for them:
the rate of interventions is lower and the outcome for the baby is no different compared with an obstetric unit
(seems a bit preachy ICD obvi needs to include birther preference)
How is a precip birth defined?
Less than 3 hours from regular cx
What is a theory about why precip birth happens?(3)
* abnormally low resistance of the soft pass of birth canal,
* abnormally strong uterine and abdominal contractions
* rarely from the absence of painful sensations.
What do we know about precip birth?
One study - Precipitous labor was associated with some maternal complications including:
perineal lacerations
retained placenta
prolonged hospitalization.
Other study did NOT find associated complications.
PL NOT well studied nor well understood!
What recommendations would you give for someone with a hx of precip birth? (3)
Active management of 3rd stage
Call as soon as it might be labour!
Explore previous experience – how did she feel during/after birth?
Prep for hx of precip birth?
- plastic or other protection for furniture/bed, blanket/towels for baby & Grace, bin for placenta – all of this in a corner in the room with instructions for partner
- pager #
- when to call 911 (if RM not present and delivery imminent)
- having two phones if possible (911/RM)
- focus on keeping baby skin to skin
- blanket/towel for warmth
- Warn them 911 will emphasize tying off cord but this is not important- more important to keep babe skin to skin and warm
- If possible they should have two phones ready –one for 911 and one for continuing to talk to RM en route
What are your priorities for setup on arrival of precip HB?
- Assess FHR first
- client condition
- let 2nd know/alert hospital
- then set up for HB (esp oxy and NRP station)
Should VEs be routine for arrival at precip birth?
discuss reasons to do or NOT do VE at this time. It should NOT be done as a routine but for indication
Main indication in precip - position.
Evidence on waterbirth? (3)
- may reduce the number of women having an epidural.
- Does not appear to affect mode of birth
- Does not effect number of women having a serious perineal tear.
=No evidence that labouring in water increases the risk of an adverse outcome for women or their newborns.
The trials varied in quality and further research is needed particularly for waterbirth and its use in birth settings outside hospital & about women’s and caregivers experiences of labour and birth in water.
What should client’s prepare for water birth?(5)
- a pool that can be filled with water deep enough to cover your belly but not your neck
- a reliable supply of hot water
- space around the pool
- a floor able to support the weight of a full pool of water
- a nearby safe alternative space for birthing out of water if needed
Are there additional risks for waterbirth with GBS +?
No, esp w/ admin of abx
What are RM responsibilities for waterbirth?
- Screening for low risk
- Fetal monitoring
- Clean and good temp
- Avoid unnecessary fiddling in birth (try to be hands off but evidence is inconclusive)
- Keep nb warm and dry after
- Prepared with a plan to evacuate pool in case of emergency
- Keeping babe’s head under water till fully born
Hands off or hands on for waterbirth?
(but evidence not clear)
Worry is hands on might stimulate breathing
What is the concern with hands on with NB breathing and waterbirth?
Sensory stimuli is one of the stimulis for breathing