CBE Biology Study Unit 2 Flashcards
what is a nerve cell
what contains the nucleus and cell organelles
the cell body
what are large fibers that extend from the cell body
what gather signals from other neurons and then convert them into electrical signals aka impulses
what is the bundle of nerve fibers enclosed by the vertebral column
spinal cord
what carries neurons impulses from the CNS to an effector organ
Motor neurons
what processes most signals in the body
what is triggered by a nerve pathway called the reflex arc
what does this mean brain stem responsible for vital functions
medulla oblongata
what reflex actions that center on or loop through the spinal cord
Spinal reflexes
what is the lining of the brain and spinal cord
what is the largest part of the brain
what is the brain stem that sends messages between the cerebellum and cerebrum
what brain part is responsible for thirst, hunger, sleep, and other processes that maintain homeostasis
what is the part of the brain that relays sensory information to the cerebrum
where is the center of the cord consists of butterfly-shaped gray matter
Gray matter
White matter that surrounds gray matter.
White matter
what is located in the white matter
Dorsal column
the part of the nervous system responsible for voluntary skeletal movement and reflex arcs
somatic nervous system
the part of the nervous system responsible for involuntary functions
autonomic nervous system
Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation
Color Vision
firm and flexible connective tissue that provides cushioning and support for body structures
the part of the skeleton that consists of the skull, vertebrae, and ribs
axial skeleton
the part of the skeleton that consists of shoulders, arms, hips, and legs
appendicular skeleton
how many bones in arms and legs
inner-bone tissue that has many cavities
spongy bone
a type of bone tissue that is hard and rigid
compact bone
tissue that attaches bone to bone
tissue that connects muscle to bone
the formation of bone