CBCT storage, artifacts and applications Flashcards
how many basis images can be captured per rotational scan?
CBCT image production
multiple basis image projections are used to create the projection data which can then used to form the volumetric data set
volumetric data set
the package of images constructed by an imaging software program which then displays various image reconstructions
multiplanar reconstruction
●The multiplanar reconstruction is the primary reconstruction when volumetric data is first accessed by a viewing software program
number and types of reconstructions are dependent on?
Dependent on the power of the program as specified by the software manufacturer(s).
file formats
- Original scan data (projection data) forms the volumetric data set
- Scanner software can either store the volumetric data in either the
a. proprietary format (unique to vendor)
b. universal format – DICOM
(Digital Imaging andCommunications in Medicine)
- Scanner software can either store the volumetric data in either the
- standard information transfer method (file format) for transferring images and associated information between devices manufactured by various vendors
- Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
suffix of volumetric data set that indicates it is DICOM format
.dcm, without this likely in proprietery format
software available to image DICOM volumetric data
many possible, 4 at school
* Anatomage InVivo 3D
* CareStream 3D
* NobelClinician
* OsiriX DICOM viewer (FREE)
OsiriX DICOM Viewer
- most widely used DICOM viewer because of global recognition and longevity
- One of first to fully support the DICOM standard for easy integration
● Only (format) projection data files are transferred to and stored in the UMKC-SoD MiPACS server
where are Proprietary (Native) files stored?
● Proprietary (Native) files are stored in the
capture CPU or its server
DICOM vs pro
Why are multiple forms of datasets a problem?
For final storage, proprietary volumetric data sets were used by 26% of respondents (n =
* Of the 74% storing in a DICOM format, 66% also stored in the proprietary format
* 26 % + [74% x 0.66], 26 % + 48.9% = 74.8% of
respondents save the proprietary format
It inhibits access to health care by:
* limiting the access to the patient’s information with proprietery formats being sent
* increasing cost and delaying time of treatment
image transfer of CBCT
- Image transfer is not as simple as transferring one or a series of intraoral images
- One transfers an entire volumetric data set so the user may access the image files to construct the selected images needed. The images needed will vary between different practitioners
CBCT image reconstruction capacity and the ranges of intraoral, panoramic and skull images?
CBCT image reconstruction capacity dwarfs the ranges of intraoral, panoramic and skull images