Causes of the American Revolution Flashcards
Britain controlled the colonies originally and they practiced _______ which is ___(definition)___ by ________
making money for the mother country
using colonial resources and selling English finished goods to the colonies
Britain also established the ______ _____ which was ___(definition)___
Trade Laws
all colonial goods traded must go through Britain and must go on Britain’s colonial vessels so that they could make money both directions of the trade process between the colonies and other foreign countries
some of the 1st trade rules established were the Navigation Acts which was _____ but it became a ________ ________, which is…
laws that were created to limit trade between colonies and British rivals
became a salutary neglect, which is an act that was not enforced properly so it becomes neglected
French and Indian War caused ____
Britain’s great debt so they decided to enforce more laws and taxes to the colonists
Procolamation of _____
British govt prohibited the colonists from expanding into the Ohio Valley
Why were the colonists angered by the Proclamation?
People wanted to expand since the colonies were full
Since the colonists helped to win the French and Indian War, they felt that they rightfully deserved that land, and that Great Britain had no right to tell them what to do
Sugar Act year
Why was the Sugar Act introduced?
George Grenville, the Prime minister, realized colonists were smuggling goods w/out paying taxes
What was the Sugar Act?
tax on sugar
stricter trials for people who smuggled goods into the colonies
Why were the colonists not that angered by the Sugar Act?
most were not affected since only the wealthy had white sugar, so this act mainly only taxed the wealthy
Quartering Act year
What was the quartering act
permitted the British soldiers to stay in the colonists’ homes
If the quartering act was around before, why did the colonists just begin to get mad?
since the French and Indian war was over and there was no right reason for the British to stay in their homes
Stamp Act year
What was the stamp act?
a direct tax
made the colonists pay taxes on any stamped paper (legal documents, license, newspapers, etc) and playing cards/dice
Why is the stamp act known as the first major “crossing the line” tax?
Still mainly only taxed the wealthy, but since it was a direct tax people believed that Britain had no right to tax things that weren’t traded but rather made in America
What did the colonists do about the stamp act?
held the Stamp Congress (9 colonies came) where they agreed to boycott
ruined British businesses by a 1/3 decline
What did the british do after colonists boycotted and what were the effects of this?
British Parliament forced the govt to repeal the act to improve the economy
The colonists began to realize how much power they actually had
Declatory Act year
What was the declatory act?
The act was used to remind colonists that Britain still had the right to tax goods regarding trade and make any laws that they believed would “unify America”
Townshend Act year
What was the townshend act?
The new minister Charles Townshend created these indirect tax laws on imports into the colonies (ex. glass, paint, paper) and they had the 3-penny tax on tea
How did the colonists and British feel about the Townshend Acts?
Colonists: believe they are more powerful and they begin to boycott again saying “no taxation w/out representation”
Brit: believed it was fair since it was a tax on traded goods, believed the colonists’ interests were considered by the people n Britain
Were the Townshend Acts repealed?
Sons of Liberty
started by
what did they start
Sam Adams
started Committees of Correspondence
What were the Committees of Correspondence? What did it do for the colonies?
each colony had their own committees and they would talk about their anger
brought unification through mutual hatred/anger
Who were the sons of liberty? Who did they target, both to influence and to “destroy”?
Group of non peaceful “terrorists” who violently protested against the British
Targeted the young people since your people are the most easily agitated
Tarred and feathered the tax collectors
Boston Massacre year
What caused the Boston Massacre?
Britain sends armed soldiers to protect the customs houses which collect taxes from the Sons of Liberty
What happened at the Boston Massacre?
Sons of Liberty came to the customs house and teased the soldiers and threw rock-snowballs at them
The soldiers heard a colonist yell, “Fire!” and they shot five colonists
What happened after the Boston Massacre?
Britain tried the soldiers for shooting the colonists
John Adams, a colonist, defended the soldiers so they were freed
Tea Act year
What was the Tea Act?
It was an act that allowed the British East India Company to not pay taxes for selling tea to the colonies when the company was about to go bankrupt
How did the Tea Act affect the colonists?
The colonial tea companies began to go out of business
What caused the Boston Tea Party?
Tea Act
Boston Tea Party date?
December 16, 1773
What was the Boston Tea Party?
colonists dressed as Indians went to the Boston Harbor where three British East India Company ships were anchored and dumped more than 15,000 pounds of tea off the ships
What did Britain do as a response to the Boston Tea Party?
Created the Intolerable/Coercive Acts
Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts year?
What were the Intolerable Acts?
set of laws used to get revenge for Boston Tea Party
Closed down Boston harbor
Set soldiers around the borders
Lexington and Concord year?
minute men vs British
minutemen suffered many casualties although they surprised the British
minutemen had a victory after another surprise attack