Causes of Crime (Learning) Flashcards
Biological Traits Point
Certain types of people (e.g Men) commit many more crimes than other types of groups (e,g women).
Bio K
Men commit 73% of all crimes and almost all Violent Crime is committed by men.
Bio Boost Point
People with certain genes are more likely to commit crimes than people without these certain genes.
Bio Boost K
Researchers found in a study in Finland that people with with two certain genes were 13 times more likely to have a history of repeated violent behaviour.
Eval Bio
Psychological Theories
Suggest that people with Mental Health Problems are far more likely to commit crimes than people without Mental Health Problems.
Psy K
In Northern Ireland 2/3 of people arrested had a mental health problem.
Psy Balance Point
However people with mental illnesses are not likely to commit crimes and often people involved with drugs have mental illness caused by drugs
Psy Balance k
1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England [1]. And far less than 1 in 4 commit a crime
Sociological Causes Point
People in poor areas more likely to commit crimes than people in rich areas.
Soc K
Edinburgh (richer) had 579 crimes per 10,000 people compared to Glasgow (poorer) which had 680 crimes per 10,000 people in 2019/20
Soc Boost Point
Strain Theory is when people commit crimes to escape the strain of a bad situation such as poverty.
Soc Boost k
People often steal and sell bikes and cars (usually selling parts) to fund drug addictions which often cost between £15k-£30k per year.
Eval soc
Psy Eval
Not major
Bio point balance
Criminologists who research the Biological causes of Crime often only collect data based on a small number or a certain type of people.
Bio balance k
Large jaw - High cheekbones - Large ears - Insensitivity to pain were according to Lombroso more likely to commit a crime based on his research on Italian Prisons where inmates mainly came from poor backgrounds which affected their appearance.
Social balance
Wealthy people and businesses often commit crimes by avoiding paying tax to keep hold of their money
Social balance k
2020 Dominic Chappell jailed for six years for tax avoidance
Super Social
People in poverty more likely to be expelled
Almost a quarter of children in England who said they had carried a knife in the previous year had been expelled or suspended from school.
Super bio
Psychopath is mental disprded cause people to be violent
Scottish Psychopath Peter Tobin was a serial killer
Super pyc
Suicide prison stats
Psychology boost
Dysfunctional families: people from troubled and unstable families are more likely to commit crime.