cause and effect Flashcards
Bir sebep sonucu meydana gelen olayları anlatırken kullanılan bazı kelimeler aşağıda verilmiştir.
1- Kendisinden sonra, öznesi ve fiili olan tam bir cümle ile kullanılan kelimeler
2- Kendisinden sonra, sadece isim yada isim grubu ile kullanılan kelimeler.
the result (sonuç) the reason (sebep)
The children stayed at home because it was cold.
Because It was cold, the children stayed at home.
It was cold, so the children stayed at home.
It was cold. Therefore, the children stayed at home
It was cold. Consequently, the children stayed at home.
As a result
It was cold. As a result, the children stayed at home.
Since it was cold, the children stayed at home
As it was cold, the children stayed at home.
For it was cold, the children stayed at home.
Because it was cold, the children stayed at home
the reason (sebep), the result (sonuç)
Because It was cold, the children stayed at home.
(so, therefore, consequently, as a result) kelimeleri, sonucu anlatan cümlenin başında kullanılırlar
Ancak, cümleye bu kelimeler ile başlanamaz.
Örneğin; Therefore the children stayed at home, it was cold…… şeklinde cümleye başlanamaz
(because, since, as, for) kelimeleri ise, sebep anlatan cümlenin önünde kullanılır. Sebep anlatan cümle ; birinci cümle olarak yada ikinci cümle olarak yazılabilir.)
Because it was cold, the children stayed at home.
The children stayed at home because it was cold.
şeklinde kullanılabilir.
Kendilerinden sonra, sadece isim yada isim grubu kullanılan kelimeler.
Because of = -den dolayı, - yüzünden
Due to = - den dolayı, -yüzünden
On account of = - den dolayı
Owing to = -den dolayı, - sebebiyle
Due to rain, we couldn’t go out. (Yağmur yüzünden dışarı çıkamadık.)
On account of rain, we couldn’t go out.
Because of being
Because of being late, we couldn’t catch the bus.