causation, what comes first the chicken or the egg LOL Flashcards
sn explanation for some characteristic attitude or behavior of groups individuals or other entities. ( such as families, gangs, police departments) or for events
involves the belief that variation in an independent variable will be followed by variation in the dependent variable when all other things are equal.
Does POP reduce violent crime
does experiencing child abuse increase the likelihood that you will be a violent adult.
the result would have been different in the absence of variation in the independent variable(counterfactual)
no child abuse (absence of variation in independent variable)= nonviolent adult (different result in dependent variable ) -all else being equal.
there is a probabilistic relationship or average effect (quantitative research)
design research to create conditions that are comparable.
when a series of concrete events thoughts or actions result in a particular event or individual outcome.
specific to individual people and individual events.
also known as an individualistic o historic explanation.
includes statements of initial of events at different times that led to the outcome. *concerned with content
explanation is deterministic
because it is specific to one event /individual probabilistic relationship does not apply.
Pays close attention to time order and causal mechanisms, but difficult to make a convincing case that one particular causal narrative should be chosen
continued to downward decline in rates
why? compstatt, safe stret safe cities program
criteria for causation
empirical association: required, observable relationship that effect each other between variables.
time order: required,change must occur before on the dependent
non spurious: required, variations not due to a third party. created spurious relationship between the independent and dependent.
mechanism: process by which a connection is created between variation in an independent variable, and variation on the dependent variable.
context: the set of circumstance, surrounding an event of situations. no causal relation an be separated from a larger context from which it occurs. Culture, family life, a cause is one of set of interrelated factors required for the effect.
emprical association
variation in one variable is related to variation in another
increase in traffic stops led to a decrease in accidents.
relationship must be observable- cannot be only assumed or believed. (emprical)
the independent variabele and the dependent variabel must vary together.
time order
change in an independent variable must occur before a change in the dependent variable
ex: temp goes up leads to more violent behavior?
it is often diificult to establish cuase-effect relationships in social research, because it can be difficult to determine which came first.
drug abuse causes individuals
a relationship between two variables that is not due to variation in the third variable.
when this third variable (an extraneous variable) causes the variation, it creates a spurious relationship between the independent and dependent variable.
increase in ice cream sales leads to an increase in assualtive crime.
random assignment can reduce threats of spuriousness.
remember the old adage “ correlation does not prove causation”
internal (causal) validity
must have:
time order
non spuriousness
process that creates the connection between variaton in an independent variable and the variation in the dependent variable it is hypothesized to cause.
high ambient temperatures cause violent behavior
mechanisms: high temperature cause increased agitation die to persistent uncomfortableness.
the set of circumstance surrounding an event or situation . no causal relationship can be separated from some larger context in which it occurs.
a cause is one of a set of interrelated factors
research designs and causality
experimental designs: true experiment and quasi-experiment.
non experimental:
true experiments
an experimental group that is receiving the experimental condition ( I.E. treatment or intervention) and the control group that is not receiving the treatment or receiving another form of it.
random group assignment
assessment of change int the dependent variable for both groups after the experimental condition has been received.
a prerequisite for meeting each of the three criteria is maintaining control over the conditions subjects are exposed to after group assignment.
more difficult in social science. always some variation.
Causality in true experimental designs
association: established by random group assignment,
control group provides information on what would have happened without the intervention all else being equal.
Time order: can be established by pretest and postest
nonspurious relationships: random assignment eliminates many extraneous influences that can creaste spurious relationships
Mechanisms: experimental designs cannot directly address this factor.
nonexperimentlal designs: cross sectional
observations are made at one time point, a snapshot.
four special circumstances that can increase confidence in drawing conclusions about time order:
the independent variable is fixed at some point prior to the variation in the dependent variable ( gender, age, marital status)
we believe that respondents can give us reliable reoorts of hwat happend to them or what they thought at osme earlier point in time.
measures are based on records that contain information on cases in earlier periods ( arrests records, traffic tickets)
we know that the value if the dependent variable was similar for all cases prior to the treatment (math skills)
the use of life calendar and anchors can increase
accuracy if resonses( andchor daes/events.)