Caudal Repro Surgery Flashcards
Methods of urethral Extension
- Brown
- Shires
- McKinnon
- Combined Brown McKinnon
Surgical treatment options for urovagina
1) Caudal relocation of the transverse urethral fold (Monin technique)
2) Caudal urethral extension (Brown, Shires, McKinnon, Brown-McKinnon)
3) Caslick, Gadd or Pouret if dt pneumovagina
Surgical treatment options for pneumovagina
1) Caslicks vulvuloplasty
2) Gadd episioplasty (perineal body reconstruction)
3) Pourets perineal body transection
Blood supply to the mammary gland
Majority from external pudendal
Lesser contribution from mammary branch of ventral perineal aa
Venous drainage from external pudendal and ‘milk vein’ - superficial abdominal vein
Layers of the teat wall (from in to out)
Teat sinus is line by double layer cuboidal epithelium
Intermediate layer = connective tissue then smooth muscle layers
Stratified squamous epithelium externally
Teat anatomy
Types of teat obstruction
Type I = <30% of mucosal surface in the teat sinus involved
Type II = >30% mucosal surface in the teat sinus involved
Type III = between the teat sinus and the mammary gland sinus
Type IV = extend from the teat sinus to the gland sinus
Tissues involved in each degree of perineal lacerations
1st degree: Skin and vestibular mucosa of the dorsal commisure only
2nd degree: Skin, mucosa and submucosa of the vestibule, plus variable amounts of musculature of the perineal body. No involvment of rectal mucosa
3rd degree: As above with involvement of perineal septum, anal sphincter, rectal submucosa and mucosa
What is this injury?
How should repair be timed?
List the different methods for repair.
Third degree perineal laceration
Delay of the repair by at least 6 weeks (minimum reported is 3 weeks). Some state upto 12 weeks or until second intention healing is complete (ie complete epithelial healing)
- Single-stage* repair methods include modified Goetz technique (6 bite suture pattern) or Utrech repair method (UGA).
- Two* stage repair is the Aanes technique
Briefly describe the steps in single stage repair of 3DPL reported by Frietman et al (VS 2019)
1) Marker incisions made for new dorsal commissure and distal margin of external anal sphincter. Large stay suture in each side of the vulva
2 Incisions made at cranial margins of the defect, extended laterally and caudally along the line of demarcation on each side to the anal sphincter marker incisions in the perineal skin
3) Vestibular mucosa and submucosa dissected from the the underlying rectal tissue with Metz; mobilise enough tissue to create new shelf with minimal tension; need firm thick rectal layer and a relatively thinner vestibular layer
4) Utrecht suture pattern( USP) w 2-0 Vicryll used to appose the lateral dissected parts to the central perirectal tissues on left and right sides, aiming to get symmetrical V or Y shaped closure (mucosa everts into the rectal lumen)
5) USP was continued to reconstruct the internal anal sphincter by juxtaposing the palpable ends of the ruptured sphincter muscle
6) Horizontal mattress polypropelene tension suture pre-placed at the level of external anal sphincter (tightened over gauze at the end), followed by complete reconctruction of external anal sphincter (2-0Vicryll; interrupted), to accomodate 2 fingers
7) 2 more layers of sutures placed to reinforce the rectal shelf in continuous USP as above
8) Perineal body reconstruced with modified episioplasty, involving closure of left and right vestibular
What are the main differences in the technique reported by Frietman 2019 (VS) for repair of 3DPL vs prev reports?
What were the success rates reported with this procedure?
Single-stage repair as reported by Goetz
1) Sx performed UGA
2) Repair delayed by 3-4 months until 2nd intention healing complete (vs 3-8wk reported by others)
3) Extensive - 14d peri-op fasting
4) Vestibular approach involving 3 layer rectal shelf closure (Utrect suture pattern) and PB reconstruction
Outcome: 90% successful repairs with single surgery
10% required RV fisular repair in a second sx
6/7 used for breeding again in the next but 1 season bred successfully
9/13 used for riding
Label the diagram of perineal anatomy
a - retractor clitoridis
b - ext anal sphincter
c - levator ani
d - levator ani (subanal loop)
e - levator ani (ventral loop)
f - urethralis
g - ext anal sphincter (caudal/superficial part)
h - perineal spetum
i - crus clitordis
j - constrictor vestibuli
k - constrictor vulvae
Describe ideal vulval conformation
Vertical (<10° deviation in a horizontal plane) - vulval anterior slope of 80˚ to horizontal is optimal, while an angle <50˚ is likely to result in pneumovagina (Caslick 1973)
Ventral commissure should be located caudal and ventral to the ishial arch
Approx 2/3 of the vulval cleft should be ventral to the ishial arch/pelvic brim (see pic for ishial arch) - ideally >80% ventral (<4cm vulva dorsal to pelvic brim ideally)
Vulva should be muscular and resist separation (constrictor vulva mm)
What is the Caslick index and how are the results interpreted?
Caslick index = (distance between dorsal commissure and pelvic brim (cm)) x (vulval angle)
(Larger distance from dorsal commisure to pelvic brim means more of vulva is dorsal to ishial arch. Vulval angle measured as deviation from vertical i.e. 10° off vertical)
Interpretation of results:
<100 → normal
100-150 → further evaluation required
>150 → Caslick’s vulvoplasty required
Vascular supply and innervation to the vulva
Internal pudendal aa/vv
Pudendal and caudal rectal nn provide sensory & motor innervation
Which structures make up the perineal body?
- The muscular connection between external anal sphincter and constrictor vestibuli
- Internal anal sphincter
- The subanal decussation of the retractor clitoridis mm
- The fibrous plate of the perineal septum (passes craniodorsally from the vestibule to the rectum)
- Subanal loop of levator ani
Anatomy of the clitoris
Homologue of the penis, located at the ventral commissure of the vulva
Clitoris glans is approx 2.5cm diameter containing erectile tissue similar to the CCP
Clitoral fossa surrounds the glans is located ventrally and laterally
Body of the clitoris is approx 5cm long and attaches by 2 crura to the ishial arch
Anatomy of the cervix
An extension of the uterine body with its caudal portion located in the cranial aspect (fornix) of the vagina
Caudal portion is the external cervical os, covered by vaginal mucosa
Tubular muscular structure lined with mucosa forming many longitudinal folds. Functions as a sphincter to keep the uterus separate.
The 3 ‘seals’ of the caudal reproductive tract
1) Vulva - the constrictor vulvae muscles of the labia
2) Vestibular sphincter - the vestibulovaginal junction
3) The cervix
Incompetency of any of these barriers may lead to contamination and infertility