Cauda equina syndrome Flashcards
Aetiology of cauda equina syndrome?
Cauda equina damage/compression
The cause is usually a disc herniation in the lower region of the back.
Other causes include spinal stenosis, cancer, trauma - lifting etc, epidural abscess, and epidural hematoma.
presentation of cauda equina syndrome?
low back pain,
pain that radiates down the leg,
Weakness of legs bilaterally
saddle anaesthesia s3-5 dermatome
loss of bowel or bladder control.
sexual dysfunction
absent achilles reflex
gait disturbance
Onset may be rapid or gradual
how do we mx cauda equina syndrome?
herniated disk early surgical decompression by means of laminectomy
if sudden onset - is an emergency
Case; a man presents with cauda equina type symptoms but has a sensory level at T7- likely diagnosis
likely an inflammatory myelopathy
bcos shouldnt have the sensory level in CES
what is an inflammatory myelopathy? aetiology?
Myelopathy is the result of compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots caused by in this case inflammation but also
arthritis, trauma, rheumatoid arthritis, bone spurs and spinal degeneration due to aging.
Myelopathy can also take an acute form or result from a spine deformity at birth.
inflammatory myelopathy is aka transverese myelitis
presentation of inflammatory myelopathy/ Transverse myelitis?
motor weakness, a sensory impairment below the lesions, and bowel and bladder dysfunction.
typically develop bilateral weakness, usually involving the legs, although the arms may also become affected,
pattern of sensory changes that suggests a spinal cord dermatomal level - sensory level!
Bowel and bladder impairment is also common in many patients.
difficulty with fine motor skills
difficulty with balance and coordination
Ivx for inflammtory myelopathy?
Critical: Lumbar puncture + CSF analysis - confirms myelitis if WCC is high
gram stain CSF: -ve if no infection
xray - rule out other causes
MRI of the spine - visualise cord, exclude compressive myelopathy
AQP4 and myelin antibodies - prognostic
emg - to determine nerve root affected
which nerve roots when impacted can affect your balance?
mx for transverse myelitis?
- Steroids; methylpred
1b. Supportive care - Plasma exchange