Catullus 96 Flashcards
acceptus –a –um
welcome, acceptable, pleasing
accidō accidere accidī –––
reach, get through to, impinge upon; fall; befall; happen
Calvus –ī m.
cognomen of C. Licinius Calvus, perhaps Catullus’ best friend, and an accomplished orator.
certō or certē (certius)
certainly, surely
dolor dolōris m.
pain, distress
dēsīderium dēsīderi(ī) n.
desire (esp. for someone absent), longing; an object of desire, darling
fleō flēre flēvī flētus
weep, cry; weep for, mourn
gaudeō gaudēre gāvīsus sum
rejoice, take pleasure
grātus –a –um
immātūrus –a –um
unripe, immature; premature, untimely
mittō mittere mīsī missus
send, send forth; (of weapons) throw, cast, hurl; emit, utter; cease, desist, omit; let go, release, abandon, discard; give
mūtus –a –um
inarticulate, mute, dumb, silent
formerly, once, once upon a time
possum posse potuī
to be able
rel. as much as
Quintilia –ae f.
a Roman woman’s name; here Calvus’ wife or mistress
quisquam quicquam
indef. pron., anyone, anything
renovō renovāre renovāvī renovātus
renew, restore
sepulcrum sepulcrī n.
tomb, sepulcher
tantus –a –um
so much, pl. so many; so great, such
vetus veteris