Catullus 90 Flashcards
accipiō accipere accēpī acceptus
receive, accept; hear
aruspicium –iī n.
divination, interpretation of omens
carmen carminis n.
song, poem; incantation
coniugium –iī n.
marriage, union; spouse
discō discere didicī
Gellius –ī m.
Roman nomen gentile, here perhaps L. Gellius Poplicola, consul in 36 BCE; he was apparently a supporter of Clodius and a lover of Clodia / Lesbia. Said to have had an affair with his stepmother and to have plotted the murder of his father
gignō gignere genuī genitus
create, beget, give birth to
impius –a –um
wicked, irreligious, without pietas
liquefaciō –ere –fēcī –factus; liquefīō –fierī –factus sum
magus magī m.
a Persian priest, diviner, magus
explanatory particle, for; as encl., for lively or impatient emphasis, indicating the point of a line of questioning
nefandus –a –um
unspeakable; wicked, unlawful, impious
nāscor nāscī nātus sum
to be born; originate
nātus (gnātus) –ī m.
omentum –ī n.
the fatty membrane covering the intestines; peritoneum
oportet oportēre oportuit
it is proper, right; it ought, should
Persa –ae m.
a Persian or Parthian
pinguis pingue
fath, rich
religiō religiōnis f.
religious scruple, taboo, or impediment; religious observance
veneror venerārī venerātus sum or venerō –āre
solicit divine good will by pleasing acts; worship, venerate
vērus –a –um