Catullus 78 Flashcards
adulterium adulterī(ī) n.
an adulterous act; adultery
alter altera alterum
a second, one or the other (of two)
bellus –a –um
pretty, nice, fine, charming
coniūnx coniugis f.
spouse, consort, mate, wife, husband
cubō cubāre cubuī cubitum
lie down; go to bed
Gallus –ī m.
a cognomen; apparently not to identified with any of the well known Romans with this name (e.g. the poet Cornelius Gallus)
habeō habēre habuī habitus
have, hold
iungō iungere iūnxī iūnctus
yoke, join, unite
lepidus –a –um
charming, witty
marītus –a –um
mōnstrō mōnstrāre mōnstrāvī mōnstrātus
show; teach
explanatory particle, for; as encl., for lively or impatient emphasis, indicating the point of a line of questioning
patruus patruī m.
paternal uncle
stultus –a –um
stupid, foolish
sum esse fuī futūrus
to be
suī sibi sē sē
videō vidēre vīdī vīsus
see, perceive; pass. seem, seem good or proper