Catullus 36 Flashcards
Annales Volusi, cacata carta, votum solvite pro mea puella. Nam sanctae Veneri Cupidinique vovit, si sibi restutus essem dessemque truces vibrare iambos,
Histories of Volusius, papers having been shat on, release a vow for my girl, for she vowed to holy Venus and Cupid if I had been restored to her and I ceased to wave harsh iambs,
electissima pessimi poetae scripta tardipedi deo daturam infelicibus ustulanda lignis. Et hoc pessima se puella vidit iocose lepide vovere divis.
That she would give the most choice writings of the worst poet to the slow footed God to be burned on unlucky wood. And the worst girl saw that she vowed this jokingly and charmingly to the gods.
Nunc o caeruleo creata ponto, quae sanctum Idalium Uriosque apertos quaeque Ancona Cnidumque harundinosam colis quaeque Amanthunta quaeque Golgos quaeque Durrachium Hadriae tabernum, acceptum face redditumque votum, si non illepidum neque invenustum est.
Now oh one, having been created from the blue sea, you who dwell in the holy Idalium and open Urium, and who dwells in Ancona and reedy Cnidus, and who dwells in Amathus and who dwells in Golgi, and who dwells in the Dyrrachian shop of the Adriatic, make the vow accepted and returned, if not uncharming nor unattractive.
At vos interea venite in ignem, pleni ruris et infacetiarum annales Volusi, cacata carta.
But you meanwhile, histories of Volusius, papers having been shat on, full of the country and stupidities, come into the fires.