category IIB Flashcards
What is a general plan and who is responsible for updating it?
// a general plan is a local government’s long-term blueprint for development
// the office of planning and research (OPR) is responsible for the creation, adoption, and updating of the general plan guidelines - the “how to” resource for drafting a general plan
// OPR also monitors general plan implementation with annual progress reports from cities and counties and grants general plan extensions for those who qualify
What is the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research and what are they tasked with creating?
// the office of planning and research (OPR) is part of the office of the governor and serves to help create long-range planning and research for land use goals and policies and constitutes the comprehensive state planning agency
Describe the seven mandatory elements of a general plan.
// land use: designates location of allowable land uses
// circulation: infrastructure plan for people, goods, transporation, utilities, communications, etc
// housing: meet existing & future housing needs, updated every 5 years
// conservation: protection of natural resources
// open space: preservation of recreation land
// noise: limit exposure and identify sources
// safety: protection from natural & manmade hazards
Who is required to produce annual reports and what information do they contain?
// general law cities, applicable charter cities and counties are required to file annual progress reports on the implementation of their general plan with their local legislative body, OPR, and the department of housing and community development
// these reports are due april 1st of each year
Define a master plan.
// a master plan implements the general plan through the use of maps and designated zones for allowable land uses, identifies open space, and sets restrictions on building use
What is the difference between a specific plan and a master plan?
// a specific plan is a community plan or specific neighborhood plan
// the specific plan will often take precedence over the local master plan by requiring more stringent design requirements
// for example, if a master plan allows for a maximum building height of 30’ but the specific plan only allows a height of 25’, the specific plan would take precedence
What are typical design concerns that a zoning ordinance would define?
// permitted use of the land
// restrictions such as height limitations, lot size, setbacks and parking requirements
// procedures for handling non-conforming uses
// procedures for granting amendments, variances and hearing appeals
Describe how a conditional use permit may be beneficial to the owner.
// a conditional use permit (CUP) allows a city or county to consider special uses which may be essential or desirable to a particular community, but are not currently zoned for that use
// this allows flexibility within a zoning ordinance
// for example, if an owner wants to build a school on a site zoned for residential, he/she could obtain a CUP by appealing to the local authority that it would be a beneficial use to the neighborhood
Name two boards concerned with design guidelines and what elements these guidelines typically affect.
// a design review board or architectural review board includes requirements in design guidelines that affects material and color selection, location of mechanical equipment, types of landscape permitted and signage requirements
What kind of restrictions can Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) place on a site?
// restrictions governing the use of real estate
// CCS are normally enforced by homeowner’s association, typically on condo buildings or single family developments. restrictions may include:
// material/color selection
// location of mechanical equipment
// landscape restrictions
// limitations on use, types of vehicles (i.e. no RVs) and types of pets (i.e. no dogs over 75 pounds)
Who enforces the American with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
// the us department of justice is responsible for enforcing ADA and publishes the 2010 ADA standards for accessible design
How is the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) enforced?
// through lawsuits and settlement agreements, however the department of justice may not sue a party unless negotiations to settle the dispute have previously failed
What are the five titles contained in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
// I - employment: job application procedures, hiring, advancement, and discharge of employees
// II - public entities & transportation: access to services in school districts and public transportation
// III - public accommodations & commercial facilities: new construction & existing facilities access
// IV - telecommunications: hearing and speech impairment accessibility
// V - misc provisions: technical provisions
Which two titles of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) are most applicable to design and construction?
// titles II and III
// these address, specifically with accessibility relating to public buildings, transportation services and routes as well as requirements for compliance for new construction and existing facilities
In regards to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), how are complaints for non-compliant conditions generally handled?
// complaints about violations of title II or III should be filed with the department of justice
// they are usually initiated by individuals contacting the department of justice (i.. the department of justice does not typically go around looking for non-compliant conditions)
// most state government agencies have ADA compliance coordinators who can aid individuals in filing a compliant
Is ADA a federal or state statute?
// the ADA is a federal civil rights statue written with the intention of providing equal access for persons with disabilities
// although it is a federal statue, it is enforceable at both the state and local levels
Does the State of California only require ADA compliance on new construction?
// no, ADA compliance is required on both new construction as well as tenant improvements and facilities upgrades
// most juridictions require minimal compliance with chapter 11 of the CBC
What should an owner do if they are unable to fully comply with ADA requirements?
// full compliance with ADA is required on all new construction, however, if an owner is performing facilities upgrades on an existing property, they may file for a waiver to be exempt from full compliance if doing so would create an undue financial hardship
What is ADAAG and who publishes this document?
// the ADA accessibility guidelines (ADAAG) serves as a minimum baseline for standards and is published by the US access board
// they serve as a coordinating body among federal agencies and directly represent the public, particulary people with disabilities
Which of the following will the plan checker review the drawings for? ADA Compliance / CBC Chapter 11A / CBC Chapter 11B
// either CBC chapter 11A or CBC chapter 11b, depending on project type
// there is no plan check review for compliance with ADA standards
// the building and safety plan checker is only reviewing the drawings for compliance with the accessibility provisions of the CBC
Who is the party that is ultimately responsible for compliance with ADA?
// the owner
// the owner is the person who would be named in a lawsuit
// however, if the architect failed to adhere to ADA standards, the owner may sue the architect
// the owner would be sued by the department of justice if a settlement could not be reached
Should architects only be concerned with accessibility provisions contained in the CBC?
// no; architects are expected, as licensed professionals, to be knowledgeable of the ADA standards and to notify the owner of these standards and incorporate them into the drawings
// architects are also expected to comply with both the accessibility provisions of the CBC as well as ADA standards since the CBC is not always the most stringent
What is a helpful tool an architect can use to research applicable accessibility guidelines?
// the california disabled accessibility guidebook (CalDAG) is a third party publication that cross references the CBC regulations with ADA standards
What three regulations of the federal environmental protection agency (EPA) focuses on air, water, and chemicals?
// clean air act: regulates air emission from stationary and mobile sources to protect public health, establishes national ambient air quality standards
// clean water act: regulates discharge of pollutants and quality standards for surface waters
// toxic substances control act: regulates new and existing commercial chmicals distribution & use
What three regulations of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) focus on endangered species, environmental policies, and responses?
// endangered species act (ESA): conservation of threatened or endangered plants and animals as well as their habitats
// national environmental policy act (NEPA): requires environmental assessments & impact statements prior to land development
// comprehensive environmental response, compensation & liability act (superfund): long-term site cleanup and prioritization process
What design issues are the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) concerned with?
// the FAA is concerned with development on any site located near an airport for issues such as building heights and outdoor lighting
// an architect must also consider noise as a concern for building occupants when building near an airport
// the FAA also develops airport design and engineering standards that focuses on airport design, drainage, layout plans, and master plans
What services are provided by the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding coastal protection and disaster response?
// coastal protection: protection from storm surge and wave generated erosion, construction of sea walls and breakwaters to protect against flooding and erosion, sediment management
// disaster preparedness and response: planning and mitigation of natural disasters such as floords resulting in saving of hundreds of lives and millions of dollars annually
What concerns regarding navigable waterways, environmental protection and regulatory enforcement does the US Army Corps of Engineers have?
// navigable waterways: planning and constructing new navigations channels as well as maintenance of existing in harbors and waterways
// environmental protection: includes rivers, lakes, wetlands, and the coast
// regulatory: protection of a wide variety of aquatic resources including wetlands, rivers, streams, tidal waters, coral reefs, shellfish beds, and oceans
How does the US Army Corps of Engineers protect the water supply?
// as one of the nation’s largest water supply agencies, the US Army Corps of Engineers plays a major role in ensuring that americans have enough water to meet their needs
// the corps has 136 multiple purpose projects that contain storage for water supply in 25 states
// california is in the south pacific divisions with districts in san francisco, sacramento, and los angeles
Name two federal acts administered and enforced by the US Army Corps of Engineers.
// Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (federal): a corps permit is required for work on structures in, over, or under navigable waterways in the US
// Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (federal): a corps permit is required for the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the US
Which federal agency enforces the Endangered Species Act?
// US Fire and Wildlife
// their mission is to work with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people
What duties of the US Coast Guard are relevant to design and construction?
// living marine resources: ensuring the country’s marine protected species are provided the protection necessary to help their populations recover to healthy, sustainable levels
// marine environmental protection program: develops and enforces regulations to avert the introduction of invasive species into the maritime environment, stop unauthorized ocean dumping, and prevent oil and chemical spills
Describe what building safety concerns Underwriters Laboratories (UL) certifies.
// UL provides product development as well as safety testing and certification with a focus on materials and assemblies features such as:
// fire protection & resistance ratings
// means of egress door hardware and exit signage
// roof assemblies for fire performance, hail and wind uplift resistance
What function does the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) serve?
// ANSI oversees the development of standards for products, services, processes, and systems
// an ANSI standard is a document established by consensus that provides rules, guidelines, or characteristcs for activites or their results
// ANSI does not develop standards, rather they coordinate them
What is ASTM International and what types of construction standards do they develop?
// ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials) is an international standards organization that develops and maintains for a wide range of materials, such as:
// adhesives, cement and concrete, fire flammability, masonry, roofing, thermal insulation, wood, roads & paving
What is the purpose of Factory Mutual (FM) and what are some products that may bear an approved FM label?
// FM certifies industrial and commercial products and services and develops standards mainly for the property insurance industry
// these products are often required on projects at the request of the insurance company providing the policy on the building
// products include: wall hydrants, fire hoses and doors, heat and smoke vents, skylights, fire department connections
What is Warnock Hersey by Intertek (WH)?
// Intertek is a global testing, inspecting and certification company and the Warnock Hersey (WH) mark is one part of the company
// this mark can be found on products such as fire doors, builders’ hardware and plumbing products
What manual is published by the gypsum association (GA)?
// GA is a not-for-profit association promoting the use of gypsum and advancing the development and growth of the gypsum industry
// GA publishes the Fire Resistance Design Manual that may be used for fire-rated walls and partition, floor/ceiling systems, roof/ceiling systems, and to protect columns, beams, and girders
What is ASHRAE?
// the american society of heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning engineers is an international organization aimed at advancing HVAC and refrigeration through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education
// ASHRAE writes standards for performance criteria and testing methods and publishes these as Method of Measurement or Test, Standard Design or Standard Practice
What responsibilities does the local planning department have regarding design and construction?
// the local planning department is responsible for implementing the general plan as well as reviewing plans for compliance with the master plan and any specific plans
// they may also act as the lead agency in regards to the ceqa process, depending on the project
// the planning department also reviews plans for compliance with the local zoning code
What elements are included in the zoning code that the planning department will review?
// use: appropriate for neighborhood
// setbacks: front, side yards, rear years
// floor to area ratio (FAR): footprint to lot size
// lot coverage: max size of allowable footprint
// open space: required open space on project
// building height: max height allowed
// parking: amount of parking required
// local ordinances: any others that affect project
What four items needs to be taken into consideration when determining a building footprint?
// setbacks: required min. around building
// FAR: total square footage of building divided by total square footage of lot (i.e. lot = 10,00 sf with FAR or 3, max building site = 30,000 SF)
// lot coverage: max footprint size in relation to lot size (i.e. lot = 10,000 with max coverage of 40%, max building footpring = 4,000 sf)
// open space requirements
What is the building & safety department ultimately responsible for?
// the building & safety department is responsible for reviewing plans for compliance with the california building standards code (title 24)
// this process is typically referred to as plan check and supports the permit process
Describe three different types of plan check.
// counter plan check: small and medium sized projects such as tenant improvements, small offices, etc. reviewed in approx 45-60 minutes
// appointment plan check: slightly more complex projects that require approx 1 1/2 hours to review
// regular plan check: large, more complex projects requiring time consuming review, often taking several days to weeks
Name seven levels of the plan check process within the department of building and safety.
// building plan check, electrical plan check, elevator plan check, fire sprinkler plan check, grading plan check, mechanical/hvac plan check, plumbing plan check
What life safety issues will the building and safety department review for?
// required fire resistance of structural elements, floors, ceilings, fire and party walls
// requirements for compartmentation areas
// fire protection systems
// means for egree requirements (stairs, corridors, doors)
What building and design issues will the building and safety department review for?
// occupancy, building height, and floor area
// light, ventilation and other indoor environmental requirements
// structural requirements for building components
// materials performance and specifications
// requirements for building service requirements
// energy calculations
// structural calculations
What are four benefits of performing the design and permitting processes concurrently?
// identify and correct code violations early on and avoid cumbersome revisions to finished designs
// identify clearances & obtain sign-offs from other agencies early on and avoid unexpected clearances
// reduce overall permit processing time, start and complete construction ahead of schedule
// reduce project cost due to time savings
What items might the transportation department review?
// traffic flow and increases in intensity
// location of curb cuts on main roads and side streets, also location in relation to intersections
// types of traffic signals and directional signage
What items might the department of public works review?
// water supply to the site
// waste water from the site
// storm water runoff
// electrical service to and from the site
// street lighting on the project
// improvements in the right-of-way
If the fire department reviews project plans, what will they look for?
// fire suppression systems such as sprinklers
// egress requirements in the building as well as outside
// fire lanes and emergency access
// location of fire hydrants and standpipes
// fire truck turnarounds
What items are of interest to the police department during plan review?
// communication system
// site lighting for safety at night
// security of entrances and exists
// emergency response plan/system in place depending on building use
What is the function of a design review board?
// design review boards typically consist of design professionals appointed by the city council to provide advice on new development projects and exterior changes to buildings
// they function to make recommendations (advisory) to the planning commission, zoning administrator, planning staff or city council
Does a design review board make final permit decisions?
// typically no
// design review boards are advisory in nature and function to make recommendations
// final permit decisions are usually made by the planning commission, zoning administrator, planning staff, or city council
What are the typical design concerns of a Design Review Board?
// appropriate use consistent with the neighborhood
// massing of building, exterior color and materials
// relationship of proposed building to neighboring buildings
// landscaping consistent with neighborhood
// location of mechanical equipment
// signage and site lighting
// parking requirements
What kind of approval is generally required from a design review board?
// in most cities, review and approval from a design review board is required for new construction, additions or remodels of existing buildings, with exceptions on building type or zone depending on the city
What is the main focus of an air quality management district?
// air quality management districts (AQMD) are regional districts located throughout California to regulate and control emissions primarily from stationary sources
// AQMDs have developed extensive programs including planning, regulation, compliance assistance, enforcement, monitoring, technology advancement and public education
What sets the Air Quality Management District apart from the California Air Resources Board?
// the air quality management district has jurisdiction over businesses and other stationary sources while the california air resources board is primarily responsible for reducing emissions from mobile sources, such as cars and trucks
What function does a county flood control district serve?
// the county flood district is a regional agency that protects people, property and watersheds from damage or destruction from flood and storm waters
// they typically have plans in place for reduction of storm water runoff, elimination of dry weather runoff, reduction of pollutants entering the storm drain system, expansion for uses for habitat and open space and recreational opportunities
Name three concerns of airport authorities for new development around an airport.
// proposed building height does not obstruct the flight path, including radio/cell phone antennas
// proper marker lights on top of buildings
// local airport authorities may also develop standards for building heights, lighting requirements, noise abatement procedures, soundproofing, and maximum noise levels in and around the airport
What would be major concerns of a community where a local airport has been proposed for construction?
// noise levels from planes both day and night
// emissions from fuel and exhaust
// safety of surrounding neighborhoods, especially in close proximity to takeoff and landing portions of the runway
// jetblast from jets increasing engine power before takeoff (usually blast walls are installed)
What is the main function and areas of concern for the County Department of Public Health?
// the country department of public health is a regional agency that protects health, prevents disease, and promotes health and well being
// they are concerned with the following areas: beaches, body art, chemical hazards, food, septic tanks and waste, housing, indoor air, landfills, pests, public pools
What are the four major programs of the State Water Resources Control Board?
// water quality: stormwater, wastewater treatment, quality monitoring, wetlands protection, ocean protection, contamination clean up
// water rights
// enforcement
// financial assistance
What four acts are contained in the environmental review and permitting process under the California Department of Fish and Game?
// california endangered species act: adminsters and enforces
// CEQA: provides biological expertise to review and comment on environmental documents
// lake and streambed alteration program: conditions to protect fish and wildlife
// timberland conservation program: may issue permits for road construction across streams with endangered species
Name four concerns of the Marine Life Protection Act as administered by the California Department of Fish and Game.
// disturbance of natural habitat of fish, wildlife, and plant species
// disturbance of water and food supply of native species
// presence of endangered species
// construction measures to minimize impact on fish, wildlife, plants, and other natural resources
What five agencies are under the umbrella of Cal-EPA?
// air resources board
// department of pesticide regulation
// department of toxic substances control
// office of environmental health hazard assessment
// state water resources control board
If Caltrans is involved in a project, what items will they be concerned with?
// if a project is on or near a state highway, caltrans will be concerned with the following:
// traffic signals, curb cuts, access to the site, power and light poles, any work located on or near the right of way
According to Caltrans, what does encroachment mean?
// an encroachment is defined as “any tower, pole, pole line, pipe, pipeline, fence, billboard, stand or building, or any structure object of any kind which is in, under, or over any portion of the state highway right of way”
When will an encroachment permit be required from Caltrans?
// an encroachment permit must be obtained for all proposed activites related to the placement of encroachment within, under or over the state highway rights of way
// some examples include: utilities, excavations, vegetation planting, and driveways
What elements of a project plan set does the Division of the State Architect (DSA) review for?
// structural safety
// fire and life safety
// accessibility requirements
// energy efficiency (if project has applied for incentive)
What types of buildings does DSA-SS and DSA-AC provide design review for?
// DSA-structural safety and DSA-access compliance provide design review and construction oversight for the following:
// k-12 public schools (per the field act)
// community schools (per the field act)
// essential services buildings that are owned by the state or state facilities on leased land (per the essential services buildings seismic safety act)
What types of buildings only receive DSA-AC plan review?
// DSA-access compliance provides plan review only for the following:
// university of california and california state university campus projects
// state owned buildings
What programs and services does the DSA provide?
// construction projects: reviews for compliance with title 24
// codes & policies: proposes changes to the CBSC through the building standards commission
// certification programs: certifies project inspectors and testing lab facilities
// access compliance: services for public schools & state funded construction
// sustainability: focus on educational facilities
In relation to design and construction, what is one main functions of the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD)?
// the office of statewide health planning and development has many goals, one of them being to assure the safety of buildings used in providing healthcare
What items does OSHPD provide plan review for?
// OSHPD provides plan review and inspection for hospitals and medical care buildings for structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, accessibility, and energy conservation requirements
// office of the state fire marshall reviews for fire and panic safety requirements
Describe the entitlement phase of the approval process for gaining permits from regulatory agencies.
// submit design development drawings with enough information to illustrate size and scope of the project to the local planning development. drawings will be reviewed for compliance with CEQA, zoning code, local ordinances, LCP if in coastal zone, and specific plan
// attend any design review board meetings
// submit drawings to state and regional agencies as required
What step follows the entitlement phase during the approval process?
// after approval from planning department and other regulatory agencies, you would provide a set of contract documents including architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, etc for submission to the local agencies (planning, building & safety, transportations, department of public works, fire department, police department)
What conditions must be in place in order to obtain a building permit?
// all agencies must have signed off on the permit
// the owner can obtain the building permit
// the general contrator can obtain the building permit and ill have to show license and proof of workers compensation insurance
// the architect does not obtain the permit, rather is responsible for preparing the drawings with all required plan check comments
In general, what is the typical hierachry of jurisdictions when it comes to regulatory agencies?
// generally speaking, the hierachy of jurisdictions is federal, state, then local, arranged from highest to lowest
// however, each project and the related agencies will have to be understood in order to develop a thorough understanding of priority agencies and jurisdictional authority
// local regulations may not be more lenient than state regulations as local regulations must comply with state law
What is the process for resolving conflicts between agencies?
// the first step is to meet with local/regional/state officials before and during the schematic design phase to determine which codes and standards apply
// meet again during each of the design phases to address any questions or issues in order to lessen the ongoing changes of conflict
How would an architect resolve a conflict between different codes?
// according to the CBC, if the requirements of the CBC conflict with the requirements of any other part of the california building standards code, title 24, the most restrictive requirements shall prevail
// if the issue is not about one being more restrictive than the other, a meeting shoud be held with the two or more agencies that are responsible for enforcing the code and request they issue you written directions on which to follow
Which party should be involved in every meeting with local, regional and state agencies as well as meeting with code officials?
// the owner
// it is very important to remember to include the owner in all these meeting that pertain to project design and decisions as it will ultimately be up to the owner to decide
// it is also important to keep him/her informed of any changes necessary to due to specific codes or regulations
Describe how requesting a variance from the local zoning authority could be benficial to a building owner.
// variances grant an owner the right to design and build outside of the requirements of a zoning ordinance
// however, the owner must prove that in being granted the variance the new design will not be contrary to the public interest and if the variance is rejected it would create an undue hardship on the owner