Additional Questions Flashcards
Name the 6 buildings that comprise Essential Services Buildings
Fire station
Police station
Sheriffs office
California highway patrol
Emergency operations center
Emergency communication dispatch
Scope of basic services
Schematic design
Design development
Construction documents
Construction administration
Six key concepts under professional conduct - APA
Competence Willful misconduct Conflicts of interest Full disclosure Copyright infringement Informed consent
Alquist priolo act
Act passed which aims to stop the construction of buildings for human habitation on active faults
Contract requirements
Services Compensation Addresses New services Termination
Defensible space
100’ clear area around a structure
What are the best foundation types for poor soil conditions such as expansive or clay soils
Mat foundation
Caissons or piles
What measures can be taken to mitigate runoff near wetlands
- Locate trash away from wetlands
- Catch basin
- Hire a biologist
- Designate no disturbance zones
Selection of local materials and use of rapidly renewable materials are examples of what?
Resource conservation
Rapidly renewable
Materials which have a harvest cycle of less than 10 years. Bamboo for example grows very fast. Pine grows very slow
Liquefaction zones
Zones which identify where the stability of hilltops must be evaluated and countermeasures undertaken in the design of buildings for human habitation
First review of documents by lead agency for compliance with CEQA. This review will produce either a negative declaration, mitigated negative declaration, or EIR
Initial study
Requirements for exemption from the essential services building seismic safety act
Type V construction
Less than 2000 sf
One story
secretary of resources
Agency responsible for certification and adoption of CEQA guidelines
How are buildings designed for seismic and wind loads
The building is designed for each individually then the more stringent is used
FAR is typically reviewed by which agency
Planning department
Mandatory General Plan elements
Land use Circulation Housing Conservation Open space Noise Safety
Live loads
Loads produced by the use and occupancy of the building and other structures such as people, furniture, and non-bearing partitions. Hvac is considered dead load
Fire protection systems are reviewed by
The building department. Fire protection is part of the building code. Some requirements can also be found in fire code
How many regional water quality boards are there?
Separate from the project manual and together with project manual make up contract documents
The drawings
During what phases does the architect prepare an estimate?
Schematic design
Design development
Construction documents
General conditions of the contract for construction
Owner architect agreement
Standard form or architects scope of services. Paired with B102
After you believe the owner will not build the project and you receive approval from a government agency you have _____ days to file design professionals lien
Who is responsible to perform inspections for essential services buildings?
General contractor
Qualified inspector hired by owner
After filing mechanics lien how you have _____ days to enforce it by filing a law suit
90 days
What is included in a statement of special inspection (usually on engineers drawings)
- Type and extent of test
- Type and extent of inspection
- Work requiring inspection or testing
- Additional req for seismic or wind
- Continuous or periodic
If the architect observes non-conforming work the architect should
Inform the owner. The owner should make the final decision whether to accept or reject non-conforming work
Supplemental instructions
Instructions given to the contractor that modifies the contract but there is no change in the contract price or time
After being given notice to correct non-conforming work the contractor has _____ days to take action to correct the work before the owner can take their own corrective action at the expense of the contractor
Architect has _____ days to voice reasonable objection to subcontractor
When does contractors warrantee period begin
At substantial completion.
When does the architects construction administration services end
When the final certificate of payment is approved by owner
Environmental health department
Regional department for county. Focuses on restaurants and health concerns
Exit discharge
•Exit discharge.” Exit discharge is that portion of a means of egress between the termination of an exit and a public way
With regard to design review board who has final decision making authority
Planning department has final decision though review board makes recommendations.
What insurance may the city require you to carry
Professional liability, general liability, workers comp, auto
Who is responsible for ads compliance
The owner and architect are responsible for ADA. The architect is responsible for chapter 11B of the CBC
What governs compensation for models and renderings
Reimbursable expense. Not additional service
Construction documents
Also called contract documents include the drawings and project manual. Contained in project manual are the specifications, sample contract between owner and contractor, instructions to bidders, A201 general comditions
Ministerial project
Referring to CEQA guidelines
involv[es] little or no personal judgment by the public official as to the wisdom or manner of carrying out the project.”
Stop notice
Requires a government agency to withhold from payment to the contractor the amount stated in the stop notice until payment is made to the sub contractor and the stop notice is removed
What are the two key elements of the Fire Hazard Severity Zone Model
Probability of burning
Probable Fire behavior
What code needs to be followed for bidding on public projects?
California public contracts code
Local coastal program
Works within the guidelines of California coastal commission. Acts as the coastal commission on local projects
I’m significant coastal habitat coastal zone extends
5 miles from mean tide line or to fist major ridge line. Whichever is less