Castle Flashcards
Se pointer, se montrer
Show up
We were supposed to meet for tea at 5 o’clock, but she didn’t show up
Je vais passer en revue cette vidéo
I’m going to go through this video
Think how to make it more valuable(vwlubeul)
Pense à comment tu peux en donner plus de valeur
C’3st le moins que je puisse faire pour la ville, la femme que j’aime
It’s the least I can do for the city or the women I love
Puis je vous parler une minute en privé
Can I talk to you for a minute in private(prayveit)
Se regrouper autour
Three men huddled around a computer, that better not be prn (film)
Je m’en sort, je me débrouille
I’m getting by
My French is really hopeless(nul, mauvais) so I was glad to discover that I could get by in simple English in Paris. I speak English and Spanish, and can get by in Italian as well.
Maintenant nous avons des témoins
Now we got some witnesses