Cases exam 2 Flashcards
Graph of the prevalence of drinking patterns in older adulthood
Abstainers being the most and Alcohol abuse or dependence being the least
(Fleming et al., 1999; Blow, CSAT, 1998)
Limits for older women should be somewhat lower than those for older men
(NIAAA, 1995; DuFour and Fuller, 1995)
Older women may be at greater risk for alcohol problems due to potential loneliness and depression from outliving spouse, other losses
Physiologically at greater risk as they age
Screening and brief intervention useful
(Blow and Barry, 2002; Fleming, et al, 1999)
Moderate alcohol consumption has been demonstrated to increase the risk of strokes caused by bleeding, although it decreases the risk of strokes caused by blocked blood vessels
(Hansagi et al., 1995)
Moderate alcohol use has also been demonstrated to impair driving-related skills even at low levels of consumption and it may lead to other injuries such as falls
(Kivela et al., 1989)
Alcohol is also known to interfere with the metabolism of medications such as digoxin and warfarin
(Adams, 1995; Fraser, 1997; Hylek et al., 1998)
, a former history of alcohol use had an odds ratio of 2.2 in predicting impairment in ADL’s among older women
(Ensrud et al., 1994)
several authors have demonstrated that among older community dwelling persons moderate alcohol use is associated with fewer falls, greater mobility and improved physical functioning when compared to a comparison group of non-drinkers
(Nelson et al., 1992; 1994; LaCroix et al., 1993; O’Loughlin et al., 1993)
studies suggesting that alcohol consumption in older persons may exhibit a protective effect in moderate doses
(Scherr et al., 1992)
A few studies do indicate that dual diagnosis with alcoholism is an important concern among elderly individuals
(Finlayson et al., 1988; Blow et al., 1992a; Blazer & Williams, 1980; Saunders et al., 1991; Oslin et al., 2000)
Depressed persons who are alcohol dependent have been shown to have a more complicated clinical course of depression with an increased risk of suicide and more social dysfunction than non-depressed alcoholics
Found that a prior history of alcohol abuse predicted a more severe and chronic course for depression
(Cook et al., 1991; Conwell, 1991)
Among subjects over the age of 55 evaluated in the ECA study, the prevalence of a lifetime history of alcohol abuse or dependence was 1.5 times greater among persons with mild and severe cognitive impairment than those with no cognitive impairment
(George et al., 1991).
Alcohol causes well-established changes in sleep patterns such as decreased sleep latency, decreased stage IV sleep, and precipitation or aggravation of sleep apnea
(Wagman et al., 1997)
. Overuse, underuse, or irregular use of either prescription or over-the-counter drugs are all forms of drug misuse. In its extreme form, misuse may become drug abuse
(Patterson & Jeste, 1999; Ellor & Kurz, 1982)
Studies report that older persons regularly consume on average between two and six prescription medications and between one to three over-the-counter medications
(Larsen & Martin, 1999)
Combined difficulties with alcohol and medication misuse may affect up to 19% of older Americans
(Bucholz et al., 1995; D’Archangelo, 1993; NIAAA, 1998a, 1998b)
Factors such as previous or coexisting drug, alcohol, or mental health problems, old age, and being of the female gender also increase vulnerability for misusing prescribed medications
(Finlayson, 1995a, 1995b; Finlayson & Davis, 1994; Cooperstick & Parnell, 1982; Sheahan et al., 1989)
“Advance directive: written statement that directs health care providers concerning consent or refusal of treatment when the individual patient does not possess decision-making capacity”
“Living will: document that establishes a written mechanism for an individual to specify wishes about withdrawing or forgoing life-sustaining treatment (treatment that only prolongs or delays the process of dying).”
(Brent, N.J, 2001. Nurses and the
Race generally defined as a biological factor of discrete group whose members share distinctive genetic, biological, and other factors from a common or claimed or ancestor.
Culture (holistic in meaning) and ethnicity (often based on national origins) cannot be used interchangeably; whereas race and ethnicity have different meanings, but often are used interchangeably
(Kottack, P., 1991. Anthropology: The exploration of human diversity, pg. 69)
Cultural marginality
Attitudes include:
Passive betweeness (lack of belonging in either culture)
Establishing new relationships in midst of old relationships
Emotional conflict and struggle
Anxious/hopeful promise
(Heesung, Choi, DSN (UTH,SN 2004)
Six Cultural Phenomena
(adapted from Giger, J.N. & Davidhizar, 1995)
Four-Step Approach to Providing Culturally Sensitive Care
(Price, J.L. & Cordell, B., 1994)
Cultural Systems in the Context of Health and Illness Care
(adapted from Anderson, J.M., 1987)
Selected Domains of Culture
(Purnell & Paulanka, 2003, p. 111)