Case unit 7 Flashcards
what is screening
find something and then work out how it works
what is an assay
you know what you are looking for and want and then find something that will do it
advantages of screening
you dont need previous knowledge
already present so you dont need to make anything
why do PCR
intorduce variation
cause mutations to occur
allows you to select the best ones
what is a dependant varaible
looking to see the change in response to the independant
what is a independant varaible
something that changes and causes an effect on the dependant
what is a confounding varaiable
changing varaiable that could influence on dependant
phage display
Use in vitro evolution
Directed evolution
High selective pressure
Like breeding dogs
steps of invtro evolution - therauptic antibodies
Fuse the cDNA for a Fab to a phage coat protein
Genetically engineer a library of bacteriophages (M13) with many different cDNA sequences (>109)
Expose phages to an immobilised target molecule
Use high stringency washes to leave the strongest binders attached to the ligand
Elute strong binders
Use strong binders to infect bacteria
Natural mutations will occur when the bacteria are grown up and new phages produced.
New variants on a theme are produced
Repeat the process
Increase wash stringency
Third generation phages produced
Repeat cycle till you have a super-high affinity binder