Case unit 2 Flashcards
Describe phase 1 of clincial trails - size, lenght
20-100 healthy volunteers
last several months to a year
what are they testing for in phase 1
does - may gradually increase throughout
side effects
bodys reaction
process in the body
how many drugs move from phase 1 into 2
approx 70%
what is the purpose of phase 2
asses the safety, efficacy and side effects
how big is phase 2
upto several hundred patients
how long is phase 2
6 months to 3 years
describe the two steps of phase 2
phase IIa - small number of patients to demostrate saftey and first signs of efficacy
Phase IIb established does and overall efficacy, establish inital benefit to risk ratio
purpose of phase 3
efficacy and monitoring of adverese reactions
number of partcipants in phase 3
300-3000 volunteers who have the condition
how long does phase 3 last
1-3 years
describe the two stages of phase 3
phase IIIa - evidence of saftey, efficiacy and side effects, often include pivotal trails
Phase IIIb - conducted after the drug has been submitted for marketing approval
compare to current treatments
use in additonal populations
describe phase IV
commerially orinentated trails conducted after the drug has been approved for marketing
expand testing to broader patient population
look at long term effectiveness
what is an observational study
address questions that randomsied control studies cannot
lead to a determaination of associations
idenitfy patterns
describe the translational pipeline
idea - generated by oberservation basic research - idea development clinical trials - drug development and testing regulatory approval patients care
example of a randomaised control trail
effectiveness and sustainaible mutilmedia education for children with asthma
control gorup pedatric pateints given standard educational rescourse
experimental group pedriatic pateints given standard and mulitmedia rescources
reduction in daily symptoms, emergrnecy vists, school missed and days of limited activty in experimenal group
what is a single blind trail
patients dont know the treatment but doctors do
what is a double blind trail
researches and patients do not know
what are the benefits of blind trails
prevents doctors, researches and pateints from knowing which study group they are in so they cannot influnce results
protects against bias - reduces performance and ascertainment bias
what should you do if you cant blind
measure objective as possible
treat groups in the same manner
assign indivduals to differnt surgeons each performing
what is intention to treat analysis
all patients who were enrolled and randomly allocated to treatment are included in the analysis and are analysed in the group to which they were randomsied
inclusions in ITT happen even if ..
- withdawal
- protocol violations
- losses to follow up
pros of intention to treat analysis
more reliable estimate of true treatment by replicating what happens in the real world
simplifies task of dealing with suspiciuos outcomes
prevents bias when incomplete data is related to outcome
preserves sample size
when ITT analysis and per protocol analysis come to the same conclusions, confidence in the study is increased
cons of intention to treat analysis
estimate of treatment effect is conserative becuse of dilutaion to non compliance and more prone to type 2 errors (false negatives)
does not asses treatment efficacy accutately unless there is negligable protocol violations
protocol violations and poorly conducted trails may cause results obtained from two different treatment groups to appear similar
what is the role of NICE
act as a rationaing body to reduces varaiation in acess to new interventions
guideline development group, on the use of drugs and spending
what is the cost effective analysis
is looks at the ratio of cost to health effect (QALYS)
compares the price and effectivness of treatments
what are QALYS
‘currency’ for health
a measure of the overal effictiveness, combines
- lenght of life
- quality of life (1=full health, 0=dead)
what is the equation for QALYs
life expectancy x (HR-QoL)
what is the EQ-5D questionnaire
pateinst are asked 5 questions referring to 5 domains of health e.g mbolity, pain
this gives as overall score
asses life today
time trade off
asks how long you would like to live at full health compare to living in your current state
- the worse the health state the more time one will be willing to sacrifes in order to avoid it e.g rather than living for 10 years at 50% health you would rather live for 2 years at full health
what is the standard gamble
the worst the health state the higher the risk of possible immediate death one will accept in order to avoid current state
incremental cost effictiveness ration equation
difference in cost/difference in QALYs
e.g avg cost of B - avg cost of A/avg QALY B - Avg QALT A
= £500 per QALY gained
what is the current ICER threshold
1 QALY = £20,000