Case Study- Mt Nyiragongo (Volcanic Eruption) Flashcards
Where is it
Democratic republic of Congo
What plate margin does it lie on
African Rift Valley
When did the eruption occur?
The 17th of January 2002
How many times has the volcano erupted it since 1882?
34 times
What happened in the months leading up to the earthquake?
There was increased steam and gas eruptions however the earthquake was unexpected
What happened during the earthquake?
A13 km fissure opening flowed lava towards coma and lake Livy
Why are people attracted to live next to the volcano?
Goma Has an extended growing season fertile soil
Why does the volcano not pose a huge threat?
Balsatic lava is not volatile
What is the risk of living next to a volcano?
- co2 emissions
- poisonous leaking from ground around the volcanoe
What were the social effects of the eruption?
– 350,000 people fled to Rwanda
- 147 died (mainly from contaminated water gas and building collapsing)
- looting
What with the economic affects of the eruption
- commercial Center of town destroyed
- lava flows destroyed ⅓ of goma
- lava covered runway
What with the environment affects of the eruption?
- sulphurous lava entered lake kiuv
- rising temps allowed CO2 and methane to be released from the lake
- earthquakes accompanied the eruption
Why was the death toll so low?
- red alert was issued
- most deaths were from contaminated drinking water, poisonous gas and buildings collapsing
What were immediate responses to the earthquake?
- red alert
- two day for UN to send aid
- UN set up camps
What was the result of looting?
Political unrest
Less aid was sent
Long term responses to the eruption
- unemployment
- lava stone used to rebuild buildings
- volcanic observatory built
What type of volcano is Mount Nyriagingo?
What properties come with the balsaltic lava?
- low viscosity
- low silica
- high gas content
- High temp
- not explosive
- 60 km/h