Case study Flashcards
What are the requirements of the charities act?
If you are a registered charity and are planning to sell your property or land (or lease it for longer than 7 years) you need to get a qualified chartered surveyor to provide a Charity Act Report. Under the 2011 Charities Act, section 119, the trustees must obtain a written report on the proposed sale or lease.
what does the nppf include?
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government’s economic, environmental and social planning policies for England. The policies set out in this framework apply to the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans and to decisions on planning applications. The NPPF covers a wide range of topics including: housing, business, economic development, transport and the natural environment.
what are the constraints of a conservation area?
Conservation Areas are usually created in those parts of towns or villages that are rich in history and character. The law says that they are: “areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance”.
If your development site is in a conservation area, you will generally need ‘planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area
What does an EIA outline?
Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017
Where it is decided that an assessment is required, the applicant must prepare and submit an Environmental Statement.
Environmental statements outlines impacts on transport, ecology, noise, light pollution
Why is the TCPA 1990 important?
his legislation essentially required planning permission to be obtained when carrying out any development on land. Development includes building works, engineering works, change of use of the building and many more such items
What is the purpose of the Equality Act 2010?
The Act provides a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all. It provides Britain with a discrimination law which protects individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society
The Act protects people against discrimination, harassment or victimisation in employment, and as users of private and public services based on nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
What does the valuation of new build homes and valuation of development land outline, what new guidance is there?
Valuation of new build homes - introduces the new build market, determining your clients instructions, inspections and restricted inspections, weighing the evidence and the reporting the valuation
Valuation of development land outlines how to assess development potential, using the comparable method, valuing the residual method and reporting the valuation.
Valuation of development property - very similar the above.
how do you know the minimum PD size requirements is 13 sqm?
No law under the TCPA PD rights 2011, but there have been consented schemes as small as 13 sqm and legal cases .
What method of valuation did you use to value your Whitechapel site?
just a hardcore approach to quickly understand the estimated market value of the site once let. if advising my client I could present the information through term and reversion or a hardcore and layer method.
what is the five year land supply
A 5 year land supply is a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide 5 years’ worth of housing (and appropriate buffer) against a housing requirement set out in adopted strategic policies, or against a local housing need figure, using the standard method, as appropriate in accordance with paragraph 73 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
uses the SHLAA or Authority monitoring report confirming the amount of site which could come forward
What are the Rules of Conduct for members?
- Definition of member
- Communication of RICS
- Profesional Ethics
- Service
- Maintain solvency
- Competence
- information to the RICS
- Co-operation
What are the Rules of Conduct for Firms?
- Definition of a surveying firm
- Communication
- Professional Ethics
- High level of service
- Maintain solvency
- CPD and training
- Competence
- Clients money
- Use fo RICS designations
- Advertising
- succession plan
- information to RICS
- Co-operation
What is the difference between mandatory RICS codes and guidance notes? Which ones are mandatory?
Mandatory, members must adhere to and guidance is advice or best practice
RedBook, Property measurement standards, countering corruption, bribery ML&TF is mandatory
surveying safely, Contamination and Japanese knotweed are guidance notes
What are the 10 international ethical standards?
Accountability Confidentiality Conflict of interest Financial responsibility Maintain Integrity Be Lawfull and fair Reflection Service Transparent Trust
What are the principles of the bribery act?
Proportionality Top level commitment Risk Assessment DD Communication Monitoring and review