π Case Studies Flashcards
Christchurch date
22nd Feb 2011
Christchurch magnitude
Christchurch plates
Indo Australian + Pacific
Christchurch margin
Christchurch depth of focus
Christchurch Epicentre location
10km from Christchurch
Primary effects
Occur immediately and are due to the shaking of the ground
Christchurch deaths
Christchurch injured
Christchurch liquefaction
Badly affected roads
Cars fell into sink holes
When ground is shaken water is transported to the surface forming soft ground causing everything to sink
Christchurch buildings
50% of central cities buildings damaged
Spire of cathedral collapsed
Christchurch electricity
80% of city left without power
Christchurch primary effects
Dead 181
Injured 200
Buildings damaged
Left without Electricity
Secondary effects
Happen afterwards as a result of the primary and can be even more devastating
Christchurch business/ economy
Put out of action for long periods lead to loss of income and jobs
No longer host Rugby World Cup loss of tourism and huge income
Christchurch roads
Through liquefaction damage to roads made it difficult for people and emergency services to move around
Christchurch people
Affected mentally and needed support
Schools had to share classrooms because of damage to school buildings
Christchurch secondary effects
Business and economy dropped significantly
Damaged roads lead to lack of emergency services
Education affected
Immediate responses
What is done to help out straight away
Christchurch Immediate responses (9)
- earthquake commission assessed buildings to ensure they were safe
- 300 Australian police flown in
- urban and search rescue teams within hours of the event
- emergency GOV cabinet meeting
- Canterbury art gallery was earthquake proof and became emergency response centre
- Areas zoned to classify damage and cost of repairs
- International aid $6-7 million and aid workers
- Chemical toilets for 3000 residents
- Police provided evacuations,search and rescue teams, media briefings and, missing person and family liaison
Long term response
Things done in the weeks, months, years after the event to help the needy and reduce effects in the future
Christchurch long term responses
- Red Cross provided grants to families with young children (u5yrs) living in significantly damaged houses with their electricity bills
- Police coordinated forensic analysis and evidence gathering of fatalities
- Insurance paid $898 million in building claims and and provided temporary housing making sure all damaged housing was watertight
- Water and sewage restored for all residents by august
- Roads and houses cleared of silt and liquefaction by Aug
- 80% of roads
- 50% of footpaths were repaired
Nepal date
Sat 25 April 2015
Nepal magnitude
Nepal plates
I do Australian and Eurasian
Nepal boundary
Nepal depth of focus
Nepal epicentre location
81km from NW capita, city Kathmandu
Nepal deaths
Nepal injured
Nepal primary effects
Deaths 8600
Injured 14500
Roads damage β> many places isolated extensively damaged
Buildings and monuments damaged β> ancient monuments such as the dharahara tower demolished due to poor construction and lack of suitable foundations
Trapped injured
Nepal secondary effects
Damage to communications β> lines were cut off so remote villages were cut off
Avalanchesβ> aftershocks caused 3 more avalanches
Economyβ> tourism is a major source of income and many tourists sites were damaged, money was spent of repairs but there was a lack of money as it is a LIC, loss of income
Health problems β> not enough medical care or treatment/ transport/ hospitals. Lack of sanitation lead to contaminated food and water therefore there was a cholera outbreak
Nepal immediate responses
Tent cities in capital
90% of Nepalese soldiers mobilised to worst hit areas
Aid agencies such as Red Cross provided food relief and shelter materials
Suregoens and inflatable hospitals
International rescue team
GIS tool crisis mapping used to coordinate the response
Nepal long term responses
ADB provided US$3 million grant to Nepal for immediate relief
Uk provided 30 tonnes of humanitarian aid and 8 tonnes of equpimey
Aid donated by lots of countries eg. Uk gave 73 million
Uk sent expert help
100 search and rescue responders, meaidal experts and engineers
Red Cross long term recovery programme to help people rebuild their lives
Psychological support was provided