Case management, interim applications relevant to a claim Flashcards
Interim applications are applications MADE after?
the litigation has commenced BUT before it has reached trial.
Application to the court is made by?
an application notice (Form N244).
Applicant will request in its application AGAINST the respondent that?
the court either make an order OR issue directions.
Procedure for making an application notice (N244) -
Where to make application:
Court where the claim has been started, transferred or where it has been listed for trial.
Procedure for making an application notice (N244) -
Content of the application notice:
State briefly what order the applicant is seeking and why.
Procedure for making an application notice (N244) -
Draft order:
Attach a draft of the order sought.
Procedure for making an application notice (N244) -
Normally a witness statement of why the order OR direction is being requested
and evidence to support the facts relied upon.
CAN also rely upon the contents of the statement of case.
Any matters set out as evidence in the form MUST be verified by a statement of truth.
Procedure for making an application notice (N244) -
Where an application is made on notice, MUST be served on the respondent 3 clear days BEFORE hearing.
For applications without notice (orders without notice).
Procedure for making an application notice (N244) -
Consent orders:
Parties have agreed an order, can apply to the court for the order to be made by consent without attendance at a hearing.
Court MUST be given all the materials it needs to be satisfied it is appropriate to make the order.
Procedure for making an application notice (N244) -
Orders without notice:
e.g., freezing injunctions OR search orders where notice would defeat the purpose of the application.
Generally, orders without notice to the other party CAN be given where there is exceptional urgency
OR the overriding objective of the CPR is furthered by doing so.
Made a copy of the order, applications notice, AND any supporting evidence MUST be served upon the respondent.
The respondent CAN apply to set aside OR vary the order within 7 days.
Procedure for making an application notice (N244) -
Telephone and video conferencing:
1 hour OR less permitted.
If an application seeking an order WITHOUT notice to the other party, then not permitted.
Summary judgment (part 24):
*Summary judgment is where a party seeks judgment quickly without the expense and delay of a trial.
*Useful where a party has filed a weak claim OR defence as it allows the court to order the statement of case (or the relevant part of it) be disposed of
AND the party will NOT be allowed to continue their claim OR defence.
Available to both the claimant and defendant where the following test is met:
Claimant – prove the defendant has no real prospect of successfully defending the claim and there is no other compelling reason why matter SHOULD proceed to trial.
Defendant – prove the claimant has no real prospect of succeeding on the claim or issue
AND there is no other compelling reason why the matter should proceed to trial.
Procedure for summary judgment application -
Request for summary judgment by applicant:
File form N244 and a witness statement in support explaining the meeting of the test for summary judgment.
Procedure for summary judgment application -
Must be given:
14 days notice of the hearing
AND file and serve any written evidence at least 7 days before hearing.
Procedure for summary judgment application -
Further evidence by applicant:
File and serve further written evidence in response to respondent’s position at least 3 days before hearing.
Procedure for summary judgment application -
Possible court orders:
Claimant’s application granted – judgment entered and proceedings end, defendant pays the costs.
Defendant’s application granted – claim dismissed and proceedings end, claimant pays the costs.
Application dismissed – proceedings continue, losing party pays winner’s costs.
Conditional order – case proceeds if conditions met, that costs be in the case (decision on costs deferred).
Interim payments (part 25):
Interim payment is an amount paid by a defendant to a claimant on account of a debt owed
OR damages sought before the court has made its final decision at trial.
Claimant MAY NOT seek an interim payment UNTIL after the time for acknowledgment of service has expired.
Procedure for interim payments application -
Request for interim payment by applicant:
File form N244 requesting an interim payment and a witness statement in support explaining:
Amount requested and what it will be used for.
Amount of money likely to be awarded at final judgment.
Meeting of the grounds for an interim payment (grounds).
Procedure for interim payments application -
Claimant must prove:
Defendant has admitted liability to pay damages OR some other sum of money to the claimant.
Claimant has obtained judgment AGAINST the defendant for damages to be assessed OR for a sum of money to be assessed.
Court is satisfied that if the case went to trial, claimant WOULD obtain a judgment for a substantial amount of money against the defendant.
Procedure for interim payments application -
Must be given:
14 days’ notice of the hearing
AND file and serve any written evidence at least 7 days before hearing.
Procedure for interim payments application -
Further evidence by applicant:
Can file and serve further written evidence in response to respondent’s position at least 3 days before hearing.
Procedure for interim payments application -
Possible court orders:
Grounds have been satisfied for an interim payment; court has discretion to grant an order as follows:
Whether to make the order – not appropriate if issues are complicated or difficult issues of law still to resolve.
What should the amount be – should not exceed a reasonable portion of final judgment
(taking into account contributory negligence or any counterclaim).
Interim injunctions (part 25):
*An interim injunction is an order that requires the party either to do something specific
OR refrain from doing something until the full trial has taken place.
*Aim of the injunction is to maintain the status quo until trial.
*For urgent matters OR where the court is satisfied that it would be in the interest of justice.
*Guidelines the court WILL follow on hearing an application for an interim injunction:
Serious issue to be tried?
Are damages adequate remedy for either side?
Does the balance of convenience lie in favour OR against granting the injunction?
Are there any other special factors?
Procedure for interim injunction application -
Where to make application:
Court where the claim has been started, transferred OR where it has been listed for trial.
Procedure for interim injunction application -
Content of the application notice:
State briefly what order the applicant is seeking and the reasons why:
Freezing injunction – prevents disposing of assets.
Search order – allows to enter premises and search for evidence.
Procedure for interim injunction application -
Normally a witness statement of why the jurisdiction is being requested and evidence to support the facts relied upon.
Can also rely upon the contents of the statement of case.
Any matters set out as evidence in the form MUST be verified by a statement of truth.
Procedure for interim injunction application -
Where an application is made on notice, MUST be served on the respondent 3 clear days before hearing.
For applications without notice (orders without notice).
Procedure for interim injunction application -
Orders without notice:
Common with freezing injunctions OR search orders where notice would defeat the purpose of the application.
Generally, orders without notice to the other party CAN be given where there is exceptional urgency
OR the overriding objective of the CPR is furthered by doing so.
Made a copy of the order, applications notice, AND any supporting evidence MUST be served upon the respondent.
Procedure for interim injunction application -
Cross undertaking:
Injunction granted; applicant MUST undertake to the court to pay any damages sustained by reason of the injunction IF it emerges the jurisdiction SHOULDN’T have been granted.
Part 1 of the CPR sets out?
the overriding objective.
Part 3 CPR gives the court a wide range of powers to?
actively manage a case.
Courts are under a duty to further the overriding objective by?
actively managing cases using the powers given to the court.
Parties are required to help the court?
further the overriding objective.
The overriding objective is for the court to deal with cases:
*Justly and at a proportionate cost.
*Within a reasonable time.
*By proportionate use of court and parties resources.
The overriding objective (rule 1.1) -
This includes:
Ensuring parties are on equal footing.
Saving expense
Dealing with cases in ways that are proportionate to:
Amount of money involved.
Importance of the case.
Complexity of the issues.
Financial position of each party.
Ensuring the case is dealt with expeditiously and fairly.
Allotting to a case an appropriate share of the court’s resources while taking into account the need to allot resources to other cases.
Enforcing compliance with rules, PDs, and orders.
Court must give effect to the overriding objective when?
making procedural decisions.
Active case management -
Examples by the court include (rule 1.4):
*Encouraging the parties to cooperate with each other in the conduct of proceedings.
*Identifying the issues at an early stage.
*Deciding promptly which issues need full investigation and trial and disposing summarily of others.
*Deciding the order in which issues are to be resolved.
*Encouraging the parties to use ADR and facilitating this.
*Helping the parties to settle the whole or part of the case.
*Fixing timetables or otherwise controlling the progress of the case.
*Considering whether the likely benefits of taking a particular step justify the cost of taking it.
*Dealing with as many aspects of the case as possible on the same occasion.
*Dealing with the case without the parties needing to attend court.
*Making use of technology.
*Giving directions to ensure that the trial of a case proceeds quickly and efficiently.
Obligations on parties to help the court -
Parties are required to help the court further the overriding objective as follows (rule 1.3):
*Having a good understanding of the issues in dispute.
*Providing relevant information to the court promptly when such information is required.
*Responding promptly to any contact from the court to monitor compliance with directions.
*Ensuring that applications are made promptly.
*Keeping the court informed of any significant delays in the implementation of directions that have been given.
*Trying to resolve the dispute.
Case management powers -
Powers given to the court include (rule 3.1):
*Extend or shorten time limits.
*Adjourn or bring forward a hearing.
*Require proceedings in HC to be heard by a divisional court of the HC.
*Require a party or a party’s legal representative to attend the court.
*Hold a hearing and receive evidence by telephone or using any other method of direct oral communication.
*Direct that part of any proceedings (such as counterclaim) be dealt with as separate proceedings.
*Stay the whole or part of any proceedings or judgment either generally OR until a specified date or event.
*Consolidate proceedings.
*Try two or more claims on the same occasion.
*Direct a separate trial of any issue.
*Decide the order in which issues are to be tried.
*Exclude an issue from consideration.
*Dismiss or give judgment on a claim after a decision on a preliminary issue.
*Order any party to file and exchange a costs budget.
*Take any other step or make any other order for the purpose of managing the case and furthering the overriding objective.
*Make an order subject to conditions or to specify the consequences of failure to comply.
*Take into account compliance with pre-action protocols when giving directions.
*Order payment of money into court for non-compliance.
*Vary or revoke an order.
*Contact the parties to monitor compliance with directions.
Track allocation:
Parties complete Directions Questionnaire (Form N181).
File form with proposed directions and costs estimates.
Claimants pay allocation fee.
Track allocation -
Judge allocates claim taking into account nine principles set out in CPR 26.8(1):
*Financial value of claim
*Remedy sought
*Complexity of claim and evidence
*Number of parties
*Value of any counterclaim.
*Amount of oral evidence.
*Importance of claim to persons not part of proceedings.
*Views expressed by parties.
*Circumstances of parties.
Track allocation -
When calculating value of claim, court will disregard:
*Amount not in dispute.
*Any claim for interest.
*Any contributory negligence.
Track allocation -
Small claims track (part 27):
claims NOT exceeding £10K.
Track allocation -
Fast track (part 28):
claims BETWEEN £10K and £25K.
*Where the trial is estimated to last not more than a day.
*Where oral expert evidence at trial will be limited to –
One expert per party per field
Expert evidence in two fields.
Track allocation -
Multi-track (part 29):
claims EXCEEDING £25K.
*Where the trial is estimated to last for more than a day.
*Where each party will need to adduce oral expert evidence either from more than –
Two fields
one expert in a particular field.
The court can re-allocate a claim to a different track on the application of any party OR?
by the court
Fast track -
Directions will normally be given at two stages in the case?
at allocation and on filing pre-trial checklists.
Fast track -
Standard fast track directions contain?
a typical timetable for a fast-track case which requires a trial date within 30 weeks of the notice of proposed allocation.
Fast track -
The Directions Questionnaire requires parties to?
attempt to agree directions
AND file a draft order for directions, whether or agreed or not, in the Directions Questionnaire.
Fast track -
Parties have agreed directions, MUST comply with?
the requirements on PD 28.3.6.
Fast track -
Dispute over directions, COURT can?
can reach a decision itself on paper OR arrange a short hearing (often by telephone).
Fast track -
Standard fast-track directions based on PD 28.3.6 suggest the following timetable from the date of filing the Directions Questionnaire:
Disclosure and inspection of documents – 4 weeks.
Exchange of witness statements – 10 weeks
Exchange of expert’s report – 14 weeks.
Court sends pre-trial checklists – 20 weeks.
Parties file pre-trial checklists – 22 weeks.
Trial – 30 weeks.
*Any time after the claim has been allocated, the court CAN fix a CMC.
*Court will hold the CMC where it feels the need to identify and understand the real issues in disputes AND to consider if they can be narrowed before trial.
*Court will make the first order for directions and set a timetable for all the steps up to trial.
*Parties MUST try to agree appropriate directions OR respective proposals to the court, at least 7 days before the CMC.
*Court approves agreed directions, or issues own directions, the CMC is vacated.
*Party has legal representative, MUST attend the CMC.
Multi-track -
Party MUST apply to the court if he wishes to vary any dates for a:
Pre-trial review
Return of a pre-trial review
Trial period
Multi-track -
After the CMC, the court will issue directions and a timetable specific to the matter dealing with:
Disclosure and inspection of documents.
Exchange of witness statements
Exchange of Expert’s report (simultaneous exchange of separate expert evidence OR single joint expert).
Court sends pre-trial checklists.
Consider ADR
Parties file pre-trial checklists.
Non-compliance with orders, sanctions, and relief:
*Party fails to comply with an order, the other party CAN apply for an order for compliance
AND/OR the imposition of a sanction.
*Sanction is a penalty imposed by the court on a party failing to comply with a rule, order, OR direction.
*Sanction will take effect UNLESS defaulting party obtains relief.
*Court WILL NOT allow failure to comply with directions to lead to the postponement of a trial.
*Defaulting party SHOULD try to agree an extension of up to 28 days, provided this DOESN’T put any hearing dates at risk.
*Unable to agree, an application MUST be made to the court.
Case and costs management in litigation:
court manages both the steps to be taken, and the cost to be incurred by the parties to proceedings that is recoverable from the other party,
so as to further the overriding objective of dealing with cases justly and at proportionate costs.
CMC will also consider?
the question of costs.
Costs and case management conferences -
Parties are required to file:
Costs budget (costs already incurred and those anticipated) with the Directions Questionnaire
BUT no later than 21 days before CMC.
Budget discussion report stating costs agreed and disagreed no later than 7 days before CMC.
Parties CAN’T agree costs, court will review costs, and make a costs management order
(justly and proportionate costs).
At the end of the trial a party CAN be awarded costs by a costs management order either on?
Standard basis – recover the last approved or agreed costs budget UNLESS court directs otherwise.
Indemnity basis – costs are assessed in the normal way by the court.