Analysis of merits of claim or defence Flashcards
Claimant’s case -
Establish the following:
Client’s objectives AND if evidence shows –
All the elements required in the law
AND proves these elements on the balance of probabilities.
Defendant -
Establish if the defendant is:
Traceable AND
Solvent and has assets available for judgment, costs, and enforcement.
Limitation period:
Assess if the limitation period has expired depending on the cause of action.
What damages are available?
Does the claim carry interest?
Alternative remedies:
What other remedies are possible?
Funding the case:
Ask how the client will finance the action?
Determine if there are other ways (other than the client’s own resources) e.g., legal aid.
Pre-action protocol:
Is there any relevant pre-action protocol that MUST be complied with before proceedings are issued?
If there is a foreign element to the claim, consider the appropriate jurisdiction.