Case Law Flashcards
Blyth vs Birmingham Waterworks 1856
Water main freezing
Flood Blyths home
Blyth awarded damages for negligence
British railway Board v Herrington 1972
Herring trespassing Child on railway line Gap in fence Occupiers aware of trespassers OLA 84 extended to duty of care to trespassers
Donoghue vs Stevenson 1932
Snail in bottle
Manufacturer owed duty of care to consumer
Neighbour principle
Reasonably foreseen that an act or omission could harm neighbour
Edwards vs National Coal board
Miner killed Section of road fell Other sections supported Risk vs cost (time, cost, trouble) Reasonably practicable
Risk small vs cost high then unreasonable to incur cost
Latimer v AEC ltd 53
Factory flooded
Unforeseeable heavy storm
Employee slipped after sawdust ran out
Employer had taken reasonable steps to keep floor safe
Safe place of work
Marshall vs Gotham an co Ltd 54
Batman in a collapsed mine
Practicable duty
Rare geological fault
Precautions taken were practicable and were all that were technically possible
Cost,time, trouble NOT taken into account
R vs Associated OCTEL co ltd 96
Safety of 3rd party
Provisions of SSOW
Contractors repairing tank
Fire caused by contractor using inappropriate tools but site also unsafe
Contractor liable under section 2
Hiring company liable under section 3
R V Porter 08
Three year old jump down steps
Section 3 protect persons not in employment
Headmaster has done everything RP to avoid risk
not liable as deciced at COA that no incident before was a factor
R Vs Swan Shipbuilding
Fire on ship Oxygen from hose left by subcontractors Swan had given safety info to employees but not subcontractors Liable under section 2(2) A 2(2)C And 3(1)
Stark Vs Post office
Brake fail on bike
Reasonable care of bike and inspection and maintanence.
Found breach of statutory duty to maintain the bicycle in efficient state and working order
Wilson’s and Clyde coal ltd vs English 1938
Man crushed by machinery turned on in pit couldn’t escape Employer has duty of care Safe place of work Safe system of work Competent employee
Crushed in pit couldn’t escape
Wilson’s vs Clyde Coal 38
Absolute Duty
Maintain equipment in working state
Stark vs post office 00
Adsett vs steel founders ltd 1953
ill from silica dust
Installed extractor as soon as though of
Not liable as practicable duty met
Practicable duty
Installed as soon as thought of
Adsett vs Steelfounders
Occupiers liability
British railway board vs Herrington 72
Duty of Care
Donoghue vs Stevenson 32
Reasonably practicable
Balance of risk
Edwards vs National coal board 49
Safe place of work
Latimer vs AEC ltd 53
Practicable duty
Technically possible
Marshall vs Gotham and Co 54
Safety of third parties
Safe systems of work
R Vs Associated OCTEL ltd 96
Duty of Care
Section 3
R V Porter 08
Third parties
Provision of information
R v Swan Shipbuilders 82