Case 88: Sin Nombre Virus (Hantavirus) Flashcards
what are the characteristics of the sin nombre virus genome?
bunyaviridae family; hantavirus genus
enveloped, triple segmented, helical, (-) sense ssRNA virus
what is the clinical presentation of someone with sin nombre virus?
- fever
- muscle aches
- malaise
- shortness of breath
- weakness
3 weeks before, the patient was in a rural campsite in New Mexico where there were lots of deer mice around
what would the PE of a sin nombre virus patient show?
crackles in the lungs
elevated respiration rate
low BP
what would the CBC of a sin nombre virus patient show?
Htc: 56%
WBC: really elevated
WBC differential: 22% bands
low platelets
what would a chest x-ray of a sin nombre virus patient show?
bilateral interstitial infiltrates with hilar indistinctness
this would explain the crackling in the lungs!
where do hantaviruses replicate?
they’re RNA viruses!
how do you diagnose hantaviruses?
- detection of hantavirus-specific IgM
- rising titers of hantavirus-specific immunoglobulin G
- detection of hantavirus-specific ribonucleic acid sequences by RT-PCR
how do hantaviruses infect humans?
human infection is strongly associated with rodent urine or droppings in a tight environment (e.g., under a tent in a remote campsite)
transmission can occur
when dried materials contaminated by rodent excreta are disturbed and inhaled
what is the incubation of hantaviruses?
incubation period after exposure to infective rodent droppings is 1 to 5 weeks
what is the pathogenesis of hantaviruses?
b3 integrins are the cellular receptors for pathogenic hantaviruses
TNF and IL-2 are involved in the pathogenesis of HPS
activated CD8+ T
cells produce holes in infected pneumocytes
nonspecific prodrome consists of fever,
chills, myalgia, headache, and GI symptoms
prodrome is followed by
bilateral interstitial pulmonary infiltrates and respiratory compromise
thrombocytopenia and a left shift (>15% bands) is almost always evident
an increase in nuclear permeability causes plasma leakage into alveolae,
producing pulmonary edema and hemoconcentration.
in the most severe cases, DIC can develop
what is the treatment for hantaviruses?
supportive therapy with aggressive ventilator management and systemic vasopressors
antiviral agent ribavirin has not been
shown to be effective for pulmonary syndrome caused by Sin Nombre virus
how do we prevent hantaviruses?
no vaccines available
since rodent exposure in endemic areas is critical to the development of HPS, limiting
such exposure should be the primary focus of efforts, including rodent control,
preventing entry of rodents into indoor areas, and proper clean-up of rodent-infested