Case 20 - 26 yo M with cough Flashcards
Gathering information
CC Onset Preceding symptoms Fever, chills, sweats Sputum production and description Hemoptysis CP, SOB, wheezing Exacerbating and alleviating factors Location of chest pain, radiation of pain and severity Exposure to TB, pets/animals Last PPD Weight loss N/V/D/C PMHx PSHx FHx Social Hx (occupation, tobacco, alcohol and drug use, diet, exercise, and sexual activity and use of condoms) Sick contacts Travel Hx Health maintenance (including vaccinations) Current medications Drug allergies
Physical examination
Head and neck exam (examined mouth for thrush, throat, lymph nodes)
CV exam
Pulmonary exam (auscultation for rhonchi, rales, wheezing, diminished breath sounds, palpation, percussion, fremitus)
Extremities (cyanosis and edema)
Antibiotics can help if the infection is bacterial, but not viral. We will determine whether antibiotics may be appropriate or not.
Safe sex practices (using condoms to prevent HIV transmission and unwanted pregnancies)
HIV testing (and discussed consent)
Do you have any questions for me?
Differential diagnosis
PNA (increased tactile fremitus, decreased BS, low-grade fever)
URI-associated (post-infectious) cough
Acute bronchitis (white sputum, increased tactile fremiuts)
Diagnostic work-up
CXR CBC with differential Sputum Gram stain and culture Urine Legionella antigen, serum Mycoplasma PCR, cold agglutinin measurement Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage Pulse oximetry or ABG HIV antibody testing
Remember to offer the patient a tissue or cup of water when they have a coughing fit!
Remember to offer the patient a tissue or cup of water when they have a coughing fit!