Carl Jung Flashcards
rests on the impression that occult phenomena can and do influence the lives of everyone. Each one of us is motivated not only by repressed experiences by also by certain emotionally tones experiences inherited from out ancestors.
analytical psychology
levels of psyche
personal unconscious
collective unconscious
sensed by the ego; whereas unconscious elements have no relationship with the ego.
center of consciousness but not the core of personality
consists of things that have been repressed from the consciousness of the individual; the can be a variety of memories and emotions that the individual has repressed or rejected.
personal unconscious
an emotionally toned conglomeration of associated ideas; largely personal.
comes not only from one’s personal relationship with the mother but also from the entire species’ experiences with the mother.
mother compex
inherited and passed from one generation to the next as psychic potential / are active and influence a person’s thoughts, emotions, and actions.
collective unconscious
archaic images that derive from the collective unconscious.
the side of personality that people show to the world / a mask
represents those qualities we do not wish to acknowledge but attempt to hide from ourselves and others.
to be whole, we must continually strive to know our shadow.
first test of courage
all humans are psychologically bisexual and possess both a masculine and feminine side; irrational side men.
the process of gaining acquaintance with his anima.
second test of courage
masculine archetype in women; rational side of women.
derivative of animus; represents two opposing forces - fertility and nourishment (positive) on the one hand and power and destruction (negative) on the other.
great mother
derivative of anima; archetype of wisdom and meaning, symbolizes humans’ pre- existing knowledge of the mysteries of life, however, it is unconscious and cannot be directly experienced by a single individual.
wise old man
someone you look forward to; when the hero conquers the villain, he or she frees us from the feelings of impotence and misery.
represents the unified unconsciousness and consciousness of an individual; archetype of archetypes.
the archetype of order, unit, and totality.
what are the dynamics of personality
Causality and Teleology
Progression and Regression
motivation sprang from both past causes and teleology goals.
Causality and Teleology
holds that present events have their origin in previous experiences.
holds that present events are motivated by goals and aspirations for the future that direct a person’s destiny.
people must adapt not only to their outside environment but also to their inner world as well.
Progression and Regression
adaptation to the outside world.
adaptation to the inner world
a predisposition to act or react in a characteristic direction.
the turning inward of psychic energy with an orientation toward the subjective.
the attitude distinguished by the turning outward of psychic energy so that a person is oriented toward the objective and away from the subjective; they are more influenced by their surroundings than by their inner world.
what are the different functions?
thinking / feeling / sensing / intuiting
logical intellectual activity that produces a chain of ideas.
people rely heavily on concrete thoughts, but they may also use abstract ideas if these ideas have been transmitted to them.
extraverted thinking
people react to external stimuli, but their interpretation of an event is colored more by the internal meaning they bring with them than by the objective facts themselves.
introverted thinking
to describe the process of evaluating an idea or event.
people use objective data to make evaluations.
extraverted feeling
people base their value judgments primarily on subjective perceptions rather than objective facts.
introverted feeling
the function that receives physical stimuli and transmits them to perceptual consciousness is called sensation; sensing is not identical to the physical stimulus but is simply the individual’s perception of sensory impulses.
people perceive external stimuli objectively, in much the same way that these stimuli exist in reality.
extraverted sensing
people are largely influenced by their subjective sensations of sight, sound, taste, touch, and so forth.
introverted sensing
intuition involves perception beyond the workings of consciousness.
people are oriented toward facts in the external world.
extraverted intuitive
people are guided by unconscious perception of facts that are basically subjective and have little or no resemblance to external reality.
introverted intuitive
Stages of Development
middle life
old age
is characterized by chaotic and sporadic consciousness; “Islands of consciousness” may exist, but there is little or no connection among these islands.
is characterized by the development of the ego and by the beginning of logical and verbal thinking; children see themselves objectively and often refer to themselves in the third person.
is characterized by the development of the ego and by the beginning of logical and verbal thinking; children see themselves objectively and often refer to themselves in the third person.
the ego arises, children now refer to themselves in the first person and are aware of their existence as separate individuals.
young people strive to gain psychic and physical independence
begins at approximately age 35 or 40; people retain the social and moral values of their early life they become rigid and fanatical in trying to hold on to their physical attractiveness and agility.
middle life
people fear life during the early years, then they will almost certainly fear death during the later ones; fear of death is often taken as normal, but Jung believed that death is the goal of life and that life can be fulfilling only when death is seen in this light.
old age
the process of becoming an individual or whole person; analytical psychology is essentially a psychology of opposites and self realization is the process of integrating the opposites poles into a single individual.
self - realization
Jung’s Methods of Investigation
Word Association Test
Dream Analysis
Active Imagination
this uncovers feeling toned complexes; is based on the principle that complexes create measurable emotional responses.
Word Association Test
Jung agreed with Freud that dreams spring from the depths of the unconscious and that their latent meaning is expressed in symbolic form
Dream Analysis
dreams that have special meaning to all
big dreams
dreams that are common to most people
typical dreams
dreams that can be remembered from way back.
earliest dreams
person must follow these images to whenever they lead and then courageously face the autonomous images and freely
Active Imagination
Psychotherapy identified four basic approaches to therapy
cathartic method /
interpretation, explanation, elucidation /
approach adopted by Adler and includes the education of patients as social beings / transformation
a term used to describe a therapist’s feelings toward the patient.
patients who need to share their secrets.
cathartic method
gives the patients insight into the causes of their neuroses, but may still leave them incapable of solving social problems.
interpretation, explanation, elucidation
this approach often leaves patients merely socially well adjusted.
approach adopted by Adler and includes the education of patients as social beings
the therapist must first be transformed into a healthy human being by undergoing psychotherapy
examine what is known as “person-job fit” which is defined as the match between a person’s knowledge, skills and abilities and job demands.
A Critical Look at the Myers - Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)