Caridopulmonary Evaluation: Intro To Chest Radiographs Flashcards
What is the adult resting HR?
60-80 bpm
What is the adult resting BP?
SBP: 80-120
DBP 60-80
What is the adult resting O2?
What is the child resting HR?
80-100 bpm
What is the child resting BP?
SBP: 80-100
DBP: 50-60
What is the child resting O2?
What should we expect HR to do with exercise?
Increase. Amount is dependent on patient’s physical status
What changes in HR should you see as exercise begins, or intensity changes?
Quick increase at first, then steady increase then finally level off
What changes in BP should you see as exercise begins, or intensity changes?
SBP should increase and then level off, DBP should increase slightly or remain the same
What changes in O2 should you see as exercise begins, or intensity changes?
Should remain the same
What should you do at the beginning of every evaluation?
Get vital signs so you know what their normal is
What is the fourth vital sign?
Perceived exertion
What are some tools we can use for perceived exertion?
Borg rate of perceived exertion
Dyspnea scale
Talk test
What do HTN and CHF meds normally do?
What do anticoagulantes (blood thinners) normally do?
Always risk of hemorrhage
What should patients with angina always bring?
What do we need to consider with patients taking beta blockers?
HR is not an appropriate indicator of exercise tolerance
What can Ca+ channel blockers cause?
What could Ace inhibitors cause?
Allergic response
What should asthmatic patients bring to PT?
The it inhaler