1.1 physical therapist role/responsibility Flashcards
what is the process of physical therapist patient and client management?
examination –> evaluation –> daignosis and prognosis (or referral/consultation) –> intervention –> outcomes
what is the point of a differential diagnosis?
to identify possible problems that require consultation with or referral to another provider
what is another thing physical therapists can do to assist in identifying possible problems that require consultation with or referral to another provider?
a systems review
what is the standards of practice for physical therapist and the criteria for a differential diagnosis?
the physical therapist examination may result in recommendations for additional services to meet the needs of the patient or client
what is the guide for professional conduct for a differential diagnosis?
if the diagnostic process reveals findings that are outside the scope of the physical therapist’s knowledge, experience, or expertise, the physical therapist shall so inform the patient/client and refer to an appropriate practitioner
what was the study design in “clinical factors leading to physical therapists referring patients to physicians: a systemic review”?
how patients accessed PT?, timing of referral?, relevant red flags?, resultant medical diagnosis?, PTs role in patient referral for medical tests?
what was the result in “clinical factors leading to physical therapists referring patients to physicians: a systemic review”?
75% of patients had been referred to PT by physician and 25% accessed PT via direct access
what were the chief complaints in “clinical factors leading to physical therapists referring patients to physicians: a systemic review”?
pain (n=60)
weakness (n=4)
tingling/numbness (n=2)
combination (n=12)