Career Development Flashcards
What are the 10 major theories of career development?
trait-and-factor matching; 6 personality and 6 work environments career typology; self-concept and developmental stages; early childhood needs-theory approach; learning theory of career counseling (LTCC); Ginzberg group developmental approach; career construction postmodern theory; social cognitive counseling theory (SCCT); theory of circumscription; 8 career anchors theory
Lifestyle and career development have been emphasized…
since the beginning of the counseling and guidance movement and are still major areas of concern
Who started the Boston Vocation Bureau?
Frank Parsons
One trend is that women are moving into more careers that in the past were populated by males. Women workers are often impacted by the “glass ceiling phenomenon”. Assuming that a counselor’s behavior is influenced by the phenomenon, which statement would he most likely make when conducting a career counseling session with a female client who wants to advance to a higher position?
“Let’s be rational: A woman can only advance so far. You really have very little if any chance of becoming a corporate executive. I’m here to help you cope with this reality”
What percentage of the U.S. workforce consists of women?
nearly 60%
What is the glass ceiling effect?
a form of occupational sex-role stereotyping that can limit women’s careers
Most research in the area of career development and its relationship to students indicates that…
a very high proportion of students in high school and at the junior or middle school level wanted guidance in planning a career; career interests are more stable after college
A dual career family is one in which both partners have jobs to which they’re committed on a somewhat continuous basis. Which statement is true of dual-career families?
dual-career families have higher incomes than the so-called traditional family in which only one partner is working
In the dual career family, partners seem to be more self-sufficient than in the traditional family. In a dual career household, the woman…
is typically secure in her career before she has children
Studies indicate that students want more or less vocational guidance than they receive?
Statistics reveal that…
on average, a worker with a bachelor’s degree earns over $10k/year more than a worker with a high school diploma
When professional career counselors use the term “leisure”, they technically mean..?
the time the client has away from work which is not being utilized for obligations
In terms of leisure time and dual-career families/couples…
dual-career families/couples have less leisure time
A client who says “I feel I cannot really become an administrator in our agency because I’m a woman” is showing an example of?
gender bias
One major category of career theory is known as the trait-factor approach. It’s also been dubbed the actuarial or matching approach. This approach…
attempts to match the worker and the work environment (job factors). the approach thus makes the assumption that there’s one best or single career for the person
What theory is considered the first major and most durable theory of career choice?
trait-and-factor theory
The trait-and-factor career counseling, actuarial, or matching approach is associated with..?
Parsons and Williamson
Which type of career guidance programs often adhere to the trait-and-factor model?
computer career guidance programs
The trait-and-factor or actuarial approach asserts that?
testing is an important part of the counseling process and that a counselor can match the correct person with the appropriate job
In 1909, a landmark book titled Choosing a Vocation was released, written by Frank Parsons. Parsons has been called what?
the father of vocational guidance
Edmund Griffith Williamson’s work (i.e., Minnesota Viewpoint) purports to be scientific and didactic, utilizing test data from instruments such as?
Minnesota Occupational Rating Scales
Minnesota means
The trait-and-factor approach fails to take ___ into account.
individual change throughout the life span
Anne Roe suggested a personality approach to career choice based on?
the premise that a job satisfies an unconscious need
Who was the first individuals to suggest a theory of career choice based heavily on personality theory?
Anne Roe
Describe Anne Roe’s theory.
primarily psychoanalytic, draws on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, needs which are satisfied don’t become unconscious motivators, higher-order needs will disappear even if they’re rarely satisfied, lower-order needs will be the major concern, needs that are satisfied after a long delay will become unconscious motivators
Roe was the first career specialist to utilize a two-dimensional system of occupational classification utilizing…
fields and levels
What are the 8 occupational fields?
service, business contact, organizations, technology, outdoor, science, general culture, arts/entertainment
What are the 6 levels of occupational skill?
professional and managerial 1, professional and managerial 2, semiprofessional/small business, skilled, semi skilled, unskilled
What are 3 basic parenting styles according to Roe?
overprotective, avoidant, acceptant
Roe spoke of 3 basic parenting styles. The result is that the child…
will develop a personality which gravitates toward people or away from people
Roe’s theory relies on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in the sense that in terms of career choice…
lower-order needs take precedence over higher-order needs
Some support for Roe’s theory comes from?
the Rorschach and the TAT
Roe Receives support from
In terms of genetics, Roe’s theory would assert that…
genetics help to determine intelligence and education, and hence this influences one’s career choice
According to Roe, career choice is influenced by?
genetics, parent-child interaction, unconscious motivators, current needs, interests (people/things), education, and intelligence
According to Roe, who categorized occupations by fields and levels…
the choice of a career helps to satisfy an individual’s needs
A 37 y/o white male states during a session that he’s working as a clerk at Main Street Plumbing. This verbalization depicts the client’s?
job or position
Roe recognized the role of the unconscious mind in terms of career choice. Another theorist who emphasized the unconscious processes in this area of study was?
Edwin Bordin felt that difficulties related to job choice…
are indicative of neurotic symptoms
Krumboltz’s approach to career counseling is considered what kind of approach?
Another career theorist who drew upon psychoanalytic doctrines was A. A. Brill, who emphasized ___ as an ego defense mechanism.
What is sublimation?
occurs when an individual expresses an unacceptable need in a socially acceptable manner
A client who becomes a professional football player because he unconsciously likes to hurt people would be utilizing ____ according to Brill’s theory of career choice.
Today, the most popular approach to career choice reflects the work of who?
John Holland
ASRICE stands for John Holland’s 6 personality types:
Artistic, Social, Realistic, Investigative, Conventional, Enterprising
What are Holland’s 4 assumptions?
there are 6 basic personality types; most work environments correspond to 6 personality types; people search out an agreeable environment which lets them express their personality type; the individual’s behavior is determined by an interaction of the personality and the environment
What is Holland’s SDS?
Self-Directed Search
Holland categorized ___ personality orientations which correspond to analogous work environments.
Most experts in the field of career counseling would classify Roe, Brill, and Holland as ____ theorists.
Personality theory can also be called?
structural theory
Counselors who support Holland’s approach believe that…
an appropriate job allows one to express their personality
Holland mentioned 6 modal orientations (personality orientations). A middle school counselor is most likely
Holland’s theory would predict that the vice president of the U.S. would be?
A client who wishes to work on an assembly line would fit into Holland’s ___ typology
According to Holland, the realistic person is more likely to enjoy
working with machines
Holland’s psychological needs career personality theory would say that a research chemist is primarily the ____ type
Holland’s artistic type seems to value feelings over pure intellect or cognitive ability. Which client would not be best described via artistic typology?
33 y/o female drill press operator
Holland did believe in career stereotypes. A bookkeeper or clerical worker would primarily fit into what category?
In regard to an individual’s behavioral style or modal orientation, Holland believed that…
most people are not pure personality types and thus can be described by a combo/distribution of types
Holland believed that…
a given occupation will tend to attract persons with a very wide range of personality attributes and one’s personality is for the most part unrelated to one’s occupational choice
Holland relied on a personality theory of career choice. Robert Hoppock’s theory, based on the work of ____ is also considered a personality approach
Henry Murray
Who is Henry Murray?
created the needs-press theory and the TAT projective test
Developmental career theorists view career choice as an ongoing or so-called longitudinal process rather than a single decision made at one point in time. The pioneer theorists in this area, who were the first to forsake the matching models, were…
Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, and Herma
Ginzberg and his colleagues now believe in a developmental model of career choice which asserts that?
the process of choosing a career doesn’t end at 20 y/o or adulthood; career choice decisions are really made throughout the lifespan; and career choice is reversible
Initially, Ginzberg and associates saw career choice as irreversible and the result of compromises b/w wishes and realistic possibilities. This theory identified 3 stages of career development:
fantasy (birth-11), tentative (11-17), and realistic (17-early 20s)
The most popular developmental career theorist is Donald Super, who emphasizes…
Donald Super’s self-concept means that…
the individual chooses a career which allows the self-concept to be expressed
Super’s life span theory emphasizes ___ life stages
What are the 5 stages of Super’s lifespan theory?
growth (birth-14), exploration (15-24), establishment (24-44), maintenance (44-64), decline (65+)
GEE MD stands for?
growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, decline
Super’s lifespan theory includes?
the lifespan rainbow
What is the lifespan rainbow?
a person can play a number of potential roles as they advance through the 5 stages of Super’s lifespan theory; the graphic display of the roles unfolding over the lifespan
Research into the phenomenon of career maturity reflects the work of?
John Crites
Nancy Schlossberg focused heavily on adult career development and suggested these 5 factors:
behavior in the adult years is primarily determined by social rather than biological factors
behavior can either be a function of one’s lifestage or one’s age at other times
sex differences are actually more powerful than age or stage differences
adults continually experience transitions which require adaptation and self-assessment
identity, intimacy, and generativity are recurring themes in adulthood
The decision-making theory, which refers to period of anticipation and implementation/adjustment, was proposed by who?
David Tiedeman and Robert O’Hara
What happens in Tiedeman/O’Hara’s anticipation stage?
the individual imagines themself in a given career
What happens in Tiedeman/O’Hara’s implementation phase?
the person engages in reality testing regarding their expectations concerning the occupation
All decision-making theories contend that…?
the individual has the power to choose from the various career options
John Krumboltz postulated a social learning approach to career choice. This model is based mainly on the work of?
Albert Bandura
Bandura emphasized the role of…?
modeling in the acquisition of new behaviors
What is vicarious learning?
learning that takes place by watching others
Krumboltz felt that interests are the result of what?
According to Krumboltz, occupational indecisiveness is seen as an indication of what?
an information deficit rather than a lack of career maturity
How to conduct an RJP (realistic job preview)?
the student would contact a worker in the field and interview them
guided imagery is implemented by having the client imagine a day in the future working in the job
The model Krumboltz suggested is
a behavioristic model of career development
A counselor who favors a behavioristic model of career counseling would most likely…
suggest a site visit to a work setting
A fairly recent model to explain career development is the decision approach. The Gelatt Decision Model created by Harry B. Gelatt refers to information as the fuel of the decision. The Gelatt Model asserts that information can be organized into 3 systems:
predictive, value, decision
In the Gelatt Model, the predictive system is concerned with?
probably alternatives, actions, and possibilities
In the Gelatt Model, the value system is concerned with?
one’s relative preferences regarding the outcomes
In the Gelatt Model, the decision system provides?
rules and criteria for evaluating the outcome
Linda Gottfredson’s developmental theory of career focuses on?
circumscription and compromise theory
According to Gottfredson, people….
restrict choices (circumscription)
According to Gottfredson, when people compromise in regard to picking a job, they’ll often…
sacrifice the field of work before they sacrifice sex-typed behavior or prestige
The most effective method adults use to find jobs in the U.S. is…
securing info via ads in the newspaper
When career counselors speak of the OOH, they’re referring to?
the Occupational Outlook Handbook
What is the OOH?
it highlights the salient factors of the job, necessary training, earnings, and advancement opportunities
it discusses job prospects for the future
can be accessed online and is revised every 2 years
At its zenith, the DOT listed…
approximately 20,000 job titles
In the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, each job was given a ___ digit code
The DOT was the first published by the U.S. Dept. of Labor in 1938. The first 3 digits in a DOT code referred to
an occupational group
You’re working as a counselor for a major university. A student wants detailed stats about the average wages in her state. The best resource would be?
the Bureau of Labor Statistics website
A counselor who is interested in trends in the job market should consult the…
Gender issues impact career counseling such as career segregation. Men are overrepresented in ___ positions while women often have _____.
labor and executive positions; pink-color jobs
What is a white collar job?
professional and administrative
What is a blue collar job?
skilled manual labor
What is a pink collar job?
jobs dominated by women (e.g., waitressing, secretary, child-care, etc.)
A counselor with a master’s degree who’s working for minimum wage at a fast-food restaurant due to lack of jobs in the field is a victim of what?
What is underemployment?
occurs when a worker’s engaged in a position which is below their skill level; can occur when an abundance of educated people floods a labor market which doesn’t have enough jobs that require a high level of training
According to the OOH, the highest-paying profession would be?
In a lifetime, the average person has…
10-15 jobs
Self-efficacy theory is based on the work of?
Albert Bandura
The System of Interactive Guidance and Information (SIGI) and Choices are…
computer-assisted career guidance systems (CACG)
What else could CACG be called?
computer-based career information systems (CBCISs)
A client who likes her flower-arranging job begins doing flower arranging in her spare time on weekends and after work. This phenomenon is best described as…
The term “contrast” refers to?
a heightened sense of awareness regarding the difference between the successive juxtapositions of 2 stimuli
The compensatory effect suggests…
that a worker compensates or makes up for things they can’t do on the job
What does spillover mean?
an individual’s work spills over into their time off the job
What is work interface?
the connection between family and work
A male client who hates his job is trying desperately to be the perfect father, husband, and family man. This phenomenon is best described as?
the compensatory effect
What is the recency effect?
occurs when a rater’s judgment of an employee reflects primarily their most recent performance
What is the leniency/strictness bias?
occurs when a rater tends to give employees very high/lenient or very low/strict ratings while avoiding the middle/average range
Raters who rate everyone in the average range are said to display?
a central tendency bias
The National Vocational Guidance Association was founded in 1913. It was fused with other organizations in 1952 to become the…?
APGA (American Personnel and Guidance Association)
Lifestyle includes what?
work, leisure, and style of living
The Strong Interest Inventory (SCII) is based on Holland’s theory and assumes that a person who’s interested in a given subject will experience?
satisfaction in a job with workers who have similar interests
The Self-Directed Search (SDS) is?
self-administered, self-scored, self-interpreted, and based on Holland’s work and yields scores on his 6 types
At a case staffing, one career counselor says to another “The client’s disability suggests they can only physically handle sedentary work”. This technically implies…
the client will not need to lift over 10 pounds
Sedentary work means?
maximum lifting is 10 pounds
Light work means?
maximum lifting is up to 20 pounds
Medium work means?
maximum lifting is 50 pounds
Heavy work means?
maximum lifting is up to 100 pounds
Very heavy work means?
maximum lifting exceeds 100 pounds
The notion of the hidden job market would suggest that…
most jobs are not advertised
The SDS score will reveal?
the individual’s 3 highest scores based on Holland’s personality types
As you walk into a professional seminar on career counseling, you note that the instruction is drawing a hexagon on the blackboard and will most likely be discussing…
John Holland
The Kuder Career Planning System (KCPS) would be appropriate for?
K-12, postsecondary, and even adults
Some exams will split hairs and distinguish a dual-earner household from a dual-career household or family. What is true about this?
dual-career families earn more than dual-earner families
Occupational aptitude tests such as the Differential Aptitude Test (DAT), the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test Battery (ASVAB) and the O*NET Ability Profiler grew out of the…
trait-and-factor movement related to career counseling
A client says that they have always stayed home and raised their children. Now the children are grown and they’re seeking employment. They’re best described as?
a displaced homemaker
What does a job evaluation do?
rates the value of the job within the organization to decide what it should pay
According to the concept of sex-wage or gender-wage discrimination…
women make less than men for doing the same job
According to the concept of occupational sex segregation…
most women hold low-paying jobs with low status
A counselor advices a female to steer clear of police work as he feels this is a male occupation. This suggests…
counselor bias based on gender bias
Most research would suggest that a woman who has the same intelligence, skills, and potential as a man will often…
have lower career aspirations than a man
A displaced homemaker might have grown children or…
be widowed, divorced, and seeking employment
What is a dislocated worker?
an individual who loses their job because of downsizing or relocation; an individual who has ab obsolete set of job skills
Midlife career change is not that unusual.
The term re-entry woman would best describe…
a 29 y/o female who was babysitting in her home but is currently working at a fast food restaurant
A counselor doing multicultural career counseling should be aware…
of their own ethnocentric biases
In terms of the labor market…
the number of employees that the employers want to hire goes down as salary goes up and the number of employees willing to work for an employer goes up as the salary increases
The career anchor theory was espoused by?
A career counselor who’s helping a client design a resume…
should emphasize the importance of a cover letter
The in-basket technique would be best when…
you’re on a hiring committee and assessing candidates for a managerial position
What is the in-basket technique?
a job simulation in which the job candidate is given a basket of materials including memos, emails, phone messages, requests for presentations, data reports, and complaints that a manager would typically encounter after being off work for a period of time
the person making the decision monitors how the candidate makes decisions, prioritizes, pays attention to detail, delegates, and responds to the correspondence
The concept of job clubs as promoted by Azrin et al. is…
very behavioristic
Which counselor would most likely say that we choose a job to meet our needs?
Robert Hoppock
What is John O. Crites known for?
his Career Maturity Inventory (CMI) that measures attitudes and competencies related to the career choice process
According to Hoppock, what must you know in order to make an accurate career decision?
your personal needs and then find an occupation that meets a high percentage of your needs
What are the difficulties with career testing?
stereotyping, counselor may rely too heavily on test results, and many tests are biased in favor of white middle class clients
Which group of students would be least likely to seek out career counseling?
students with high responsibilities at home such as taking care of younger siblings
A client’s employer has mandated that she take an immediate vacation. She’s resistant, feeling she needs to work harder to prove herself. The company’s concern may more likely be related to
occupational stress