career: Career Assessment Flashcards
Career Assessment
A broad process of systematically collecting careerrelated information using multiple methods. Career-assessment results can provide an individual with information concerning career options, career planning courses, personality type, aptitudes, career-related beliefs, interests, work values, career development stage, and career barriers. Three commonly used methods in career assessment include interviewing, formal testing, and self-assessment.
Interest Inventories
A group of inventories that are used to identify an individual’s work-related interests, as well as what one finds enjoyable and motivating. Interest inventories solicit an individual’s preferences and do not necessarily correlate with ability or job success.
Personality Inventories
A group of inventories that identify a person’s unique characteristics and styles of relating to others, tasks, and situations. Frequently administered in career counseling to facilitate the vocational decisionmaking process.
Values Inventories
A group of inventories that assist individuals in identifying and prioritizing work-related values.
Career Development Inventories
A group of inventories that identify personal factors that may impede or facilitate an individual’s career development process. Typically, these inventories measure factors related to faulty career beliefs, anxiety, career maturity, and career barriers.