Career And Career Choices Flashcards
Means you are employed and you get paid for working. You only need basic training for example a shop assistant or truck driver
Refers to the work you do.
It’s requires education, training or skills. Example a newspaper reporter or doctor. You have a degree for this
An occupation that you have for the large part of your life. It gives you opportunities to progress.
You get promoted and a raise in salary. You need a diploma, certificate or degree. For example teacher where you could be a junior teacher then progress to becoming head of department
Career field
Group of occupations which have common skills, knowledge and work settings.
People employed in a career field have similar interests or talents
It is more than just 1 job, occupation or career
It requires different levels of education and training
You need a diploma or university degree
Example health science field including occupations of dental assistance, dietitian, nurse and surgeon