Care of the Transgender Patient Flashcards
- Lesbian
- Gay
- Bisexual
- Transgender
- Queer/Questioning
- Intersex & asexual &/or ally
Queer was previously derogatory but is now used to reflect more politicized & diverse understanding of sexual orientations as well as gender identities within the LGBTQ+ communities
- There’s a need to improve the healthcare of transgender pts
> Healthy People 2020
> IOM’s report on LGBT health
> Joint Commission field guide for care of LGBT pts
> World Professional Association for Transgender standards of care
- ANA Code of Ethics
- Nurses practice w/
> compassion
> respect for dignity
> worth of every pt
Jean Watson
> Her theory is based on helping pts achieve wellness, as well as harmony within mind, body & soul
Our goal as nurses is to help our pts reach this wellness & harmony
Theory also involves practicing kindness, cultivating one’s own spiritual practice & a moral commitment to protect & enhance human dignity
Is discomfort w/one’s natal sex
Gender dysphoria
Is a person’s inner sense of maleness or femaleness; not r/t reproductive anatomy
Gender identity
This is a person’s genital anatomy present @ birth
biological (natal) sex
- Transgender Female (MTF)
- Transgender Male (FTM)
- Nonbinary
- Cisgender
- Gender fluid
- Gender neutral
- Gender variant
Use of the proper pronoun
> Show respect to the pt
If you forget to use the proper pronoun, apologize & correct yourself
Psychosocial stressors
> Job discrimination
Bias-related harassment
Can lead to suicidal ideation or suicide attempt
Other stressors
> Lack of health insurance (if unemployed), or denial of coverage for gender transition (if insured)
Lack of healthcare professional knowledge
Prior negative experience w/HCP’s
> Ask the pt how he or she would like to be addressed
Respect the pt, use the correct pronoun
- h/o interventions, or plans to use in the future
- drug therapy
- surgical hx
Physical assessment
- conduct w/cultural sensitivity, nonjudgmental approach, respect
- explain why exam is important to their healthcare
- Bottom surgery (to the genitalia) or top surgery (to the chest area)
- Gender confirmation surgery alters an individual’s appearance to the reflected, preferred gender
Nursing Care
- Care is often the same as for any other pt
- Advocate for transgender pts
- Provide health teaching
Nonsurgical management
- drug therapy
- reproductive health options
- voice & communication therapy
Surgical management
- gender (or sex) reassignment surgery (SRS)
- preoperative, operative, & postoperative care
- hormone therapy
- follow-up care (after procedure, long-term)
- support systems & coping strategies
- community resources
- 1 in 10 physically attacked in the past yr & 1/2 of all are survivors of sexual violence
- “…face discrimination & violence throughout society, from their family growing up, in school, @ work, by homeless shelters, by doctors, in ERs, before judges, by landlords, & even police officers”
- There is a need for education for students, nurses, practitioners
> Education of nurses is one of the common statements
> Transgender individuals would like to see education & be involved
> In addition to the pts we see in acute care settings as well as outpt settings, there’s an aging population that will need long-term care
- Need our support & understanding
! There’s a lot of misinformation out there
> Many TG individuals know @ an early age
Refers to individuals that are unable to match their sex @ birth but do not identify themselves as male or female
Describes a changeable gender or an individual who may shift between the genders
Gender fluid
Is not specific or restricted to any particular gender
Gender neutral
Is displaying gender traits that do not fit the typical male or female models
Gender variant