Cardiovascular System Thorax 2 (WHITE BOOKLET) Flashcards
Which chamber of the heart forms the inferior border?
Right ventricle
Which chamger forms the superior border of the heart?
Left Atrium
Where does the aortic arch begin and terminate?
Where is the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta?
Where is the bifurcation of the common iliac arteries?
Give examples of the branches of the ascending aorta in the thorax
Bronchial arteries
Oesophageal arteris
Pericardial arteries
Posterior intercostal arteries (these are the only identifiable ones on a wet specimen in this list)
What supplies the pelvic viscera?
The internal iliac artery. External iliac artery becomes the common femoral
What is the name given to the branch of a vein?
A tributary
What does the SVC and the IVC drain respectively?
SVC: Head neck and upper limbs
IVC: Abdominal and pelvic cavities and lower limbs
Name some of the tributaries of the SVC
Left and right brachiocephalic veins
Azygous vein
Name some of the tributaries of the IVC
Left and right common iliac veins
What does the azygous venous system drain?
Blood from the posterior intercostal veins to the SVC
Where does the azygous vein lie?
Immediately to the right of the descending thoracic aorta
What component of the azygous venous system lies on the left hand side of the posterior mediastinum?
Accessory hemi azygous vein and the hemiazygous vein
Where does the hemiazygous vein drain into the azygous vein?
What veins drain into the hemiazygous vein?
Lower posterior intercostal veins and the left subcostal veins
What part of the spinal nerve are intercostal nerves formed from?
Ventral ramus
Which anterior chest wall veins drain into the internal thoracic artery?
Anterior intercostal veins
Which anterior chest wall arteries arise from the internal thoracic artery?
Anterior intercostal arteries
Which artery gives origin to the internal thoracic aartery?
Inferior region othe the subclavian artery
Which two veins drain the posterior intercostal veins on the left side of the posterior chest wall?
Hemiazygous vein and the accessory hemiazygous vein
Where do the hemiazygous vein and the accessory hemiazygous vein drain?
Into the azygous vein
Where is the thoracic duct in relation to the descending aorta and the azygous vein?
On the vertebral bodies between the azygous vein and the descending thoracic aorta on the right side of the posterior thoracic wall.
Where does the right lymphatic drain?
Medial end of the right subclavian vein
What is the name given to the mist inferior part of the thoracic duct?
Cisterna Chyli
What is the difference between the radial and ulnar arteries?
Radial = more superficial and larger diameter
What is the name describing accompanying veins?
venae comitantes
Inferior to which malleolus does the posterior tibial artery enter the sole of the foot?
Medial Malleolus
What is the epicardium, myocardium and the andocardium composed of?
Epicardium: Squamous epithelium
Myocardium: Cardiac muscle
Endocardium: Squamous epithelium
Which layer of the serous pericardium is inseperably attached to the inner aspect of the fibrous pericardium?
Parietal layer of the serous pericardium
What protective role is fullfilled by the fibrous pericardium?
Protects the heart from sudden overfilling and bllooning
Where does the visceral pericardium receive autonomic innervation from?
T1-T4 nerves and vagus via the cardiac plexus
What innervates the parietal and fibrous layers?
Mainly by the phrenic nerve
What is the role of the auricle in an adult?
Increases the capacity of the atrium
Anterior to what tubular structure does the laft atrium lie?
What is the function of chordae tendineae?
Attaches papillary muscles to the cusps of the AV valve
Where does the right coronary artery distribute its blood?
Right atrium, right ventricle, AV node and bundle, SA node (in a minority of cases)
Where does the left coronary artery distribute its blood?
Both ventricles and the interventricular septum
Left atrium
SA node
What drains directly into the right atrium?
The anterior cardiac and coronary sinus veins drain directly into the right atrium
What are venae cordis minimae?
Small veins which drain the heart wall directly into each chamber of the heart
Where do the lymphatics from the heart drain?
Tracheobronchial and mediastinal (bronchopulmonary and paratracheal) lymph nodes
Where is the cardiac plexus?
Situated at the bifurcation of the trachea
Where do the sensory and pain fibres from the heart travel?
To spinal cord levels T1-4 in the sympathetic nerves
What do motor fibres innervate in the heart?
The purkinjie cells of the SA and AV node
Where does the heart recieve its parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation?
From the cardiopulmonary plexus, which receives autonomic motor fibres from the vagus nerve (parasympathetic) and spinal cord segments T1-T4
Where does the AV node lie?
In the inferior part of the atrial septum
Where does the AV bundle of his lie?
Within each side of the ventricular septum
What is meant by referred pain?
Pain eminating from an organ but experienced somatically
How does the Tunica intima of a muscular artery and an elastic artery differ?
Muscular artery - contains internal elastic lamina
What is the difference between the tunica intima of a muscular artery vs an elastic artery?
Muscular: Thick! Few smooth muscle fibres, presence of external elastic lamina
Elastic Artery: Extensive elastic fibres in the form of layers
What is the difference between muscular arteries and elastic arteries in terms of their tunica adventitia?
Muscular artery: Vasovasorum and broad