Cardiovascular system Flashcards
layers of heart
made of fibrous and serous pericardium (which in turn has a visceral (inner) and parietal (outer) component)
at inferior edge of pericardium is teh pericardial space which is filled with fluid to allow movement between pericardium and epicardium
with coronary blood vessels
slippery tissue which has the vessels that supply the heart contained within
with trabeculae carnae
cardiac muscle responsible for hearts pumping action
endothelial lining of the chambers of the heart which is continuous with the vessels supplying the heart
right artrium
receives deoxygenated blood from SVC and IVC
blood then passes though tricuspid valve
right ventricle
series of ridges known as trabeculae carnae made of myocardium projections
some of these trabeculae from papillary mauscles which connect to the tricuspid valve via chordae tendineae
deoxygenated blood then passes from RV to the L and R Pulmonary arteries through the pulmonary valve to the lungs
left atrium
receives oxygenated blood from the 4 pulmonary veins
blood passes through the LA to the LV via the bicuspid (mitral valve)
left ventricle
blood passess from LA to LV and is then ejected via the aortic (semilunar) valve
the blood passes into the ascending aorta and out to the body
some blood also goes to the coronary vessels
conduction of heart carried out by
Autorhythmic fibres
these fibres set the rhythm of the heart but also the path in which the rhythm is conducted
sequence of heart conduction
- Starts at Sino Atrial Node in the RA with spontaneous depolarisation
- Reaches the Atrioventricular Node which is the junction between RA and RV
- The conduction then reaches the Bundle of His which is the only site where Atrio-Ventricular conduction can occur as the fibrous skeleton of the heart usually separates A from V
- The fibres then branch left and right into the bundle branches through the interventricular septum
- Finally large diameter purkinje fibres conduct the action potentials into the trabeculae carnae of the myocardium to aid with ventricular contraction
cardiac action potention
contractile working fibres after SA node
depolarisation stage in cardiac action potential
stage 0
rapid depolarisation by Na+ ions efflux
channels close soon after
plateau stage in cardiac action potentials
stages 1 and 2
Ca2+ ions maintain the depolaristion level by equalising the K+ outflow
increased calcium ion concentration ultimately triggers heart muscle contraction
repolarisation stage in caridac action potential
stage 3
Ca2+ begin to close
K+ channels begin to open
production of ATP in the heart
mostly comes from oxidation of glucose and fatty acids
- smaller contributions from Lactic Acid, amino acids and ketone bodies
- some also produced by creatinine phosphate
dying/injured cells release creatinine into the blood - diagnostic sign
electrocardiogram ECG
- Raising part of P-Wave = Depolarisation of Atrial contractile fibres
- Descending part of P- Wave = Atrial Systole
- QRS complex = Depolarisation of Ventricular contractile fibres
- Flat portion following QRS = Ventricular Systole
- Repolarisation of Ventricular contracile fibres = T-wave
- Ventricular diastole (relaxation) = flat end point/beginning next cycle
caridac output
volume of blood ejected from either
- LV -> Aorta
- RV -> Pulmonary trunk
per min
stroke volume =
volume of blood ejected in a contraction
heart rate =
(cardiac output)
SV (ml/beat) x HR (bpm)
stroke volume x heart rate
typical adult male CO =
70 x 75
= 5250ml/min
degree of stretch of the heart before it contracts
(how much space can it make)
force of contraction
pressure that must be exceeded in order for the ejection to occur
regulation of stroke volume by
frank-stirling law =
greater preload, and therefore the volume, the greater the force of contraction (in a healthy heart)
cardiac control
Both branches of the autonomic nervous system can affect cardiac output by altering HR or SV (symp only)
- The sympathetic nervous system also affects blood vessels so effects on blood pressure can be complex
Changes in cardiac output will be detected by baroreceptors and information on blood pressure fed back to the CVS control centre in the brain
CNS control allows BP to be modulated during sleep and by emotions such as rage etc
blood vessels
endothelial cells and their role
Line ALL vessels and the inside of the heart chambers
- Important for local blood pressure control
- Prevent platelet aggregation and blood clot formation
- Angiogenesis + vessel remodelling
- Permeability barrier for nutrients/fluid between plasma and interstitial fluid
4 functions of endothelial cells in blood vessels
- Release constrictors- endothelin, thromboxane + dilators- nitric oxide, prostacyclin
- Can influence proliferative state of smooth muscle cells- hypertension
- Can release free radicals which can oxidise LDL
- Can express molecules which tether inflammatory cells
vascular smooth muscle in blood vessels
In all vessels apart from smallest capillaries
determiens vessel diameter
can expand and contract
secret ECM - provides elasticity
can proliferate in hypertension = inc vascular resistance
blood pressure =
systolic / diastolic
e.g. 120/80mmHg
mean arterial pressure
diastolic pressure + 1/3 pulse pressure
MAP = average systemic BP
BP and MAP
TPR and therefore MAP can be modified by α-Adrenoceptor Antagonists
α1 selectives e.g Prazosin, Doxazosin = Decrease Vasoconstrictor tone, with no direct change in HR/CO = dec. BP
non-selectives e.g Phentolamine = Blocks α1 receptors on vessel and α2 receptors at synaptic bulb that releases NA neurotransmitter to activate α1 so both pathways essentially
Blood vessels macrostructure
tunica intima
tunica media
tunica externa
tunica intima
innermost layer is endothelium
basement membrane deep to the endothelium with collagen fibres = confers tensile strength
internal elastic lamina - looks like swiss cheese and allows nutrients to diffuse from tunica media to the intima and vice versa
tunica media
mainly smooth muscle and elastic fibres
varies in size and structure for different vessels
external elastic lamina on the outside same function as the IEL
tunica externa
contains a variety of nerves
also vasa vasrum (vessels to vessels)
this tissue anchors the vessel to surrounding tissues
blood vessel flow
Flow Rate = π (Pressure x Radius4 ) / 8 (Viscosity x Length of tube)
5 types of blood vessels
muscular so have por recoil so can’t really propel blood along but rather just maintain pressure
ability to recoil and remain partially contracted is know as vascular tone
regulate blood flow into the capillaries
causes resistance between the vessel walls and the blood itself
involved in the microcirculation where exchanges are carried out between blood and interstitium
1 cell thick + basement structure
receieve blood from the capillaries and begin flow back toward the heart
lack teh IEL and EEL and their tunics area musch thinner than arteries
also contain infolds of the tunica intima that form valves to stop backflow of blood because its at low pressure
cardiovascular disease risk factors
- age
- sex
- family history
- smoking
- obesity
- diet
- exercise
- hypertension
- hyperlipidaemia
- diabetes
- stress