Cardiovascular Mechanics Flashcards
Single cell structure
Ventricular cells 100μm long, 15μm wide, mainly made of myofibrils
T tubules from cell surface (gaps)
Each T tubule spaced so it lies alongside each Z line of every myofibril
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Exitation-contraction coupling in heart
Ca2+ = messenger , goes through VGCC
Conformational change in Ryanodine receptor on the SR
Causes Calcium Induced Calcium Release
Na+/ Ca2+ exchanger on membrane uses Na energy gradient to efflux Ca from cell
Ca enters back into SR through Ca2+ ATPase
Increase intracellular Ca= increase force (sigmoidal log curve)
Length-tension relation in cardiac muscle
Increased stretching of the same cardiac muscle= increase baseline of force that can be produced (passive/ recoil force)+ increases active force production when contraction is stimulated Isometric contraction (no shortening)
Length-tension relation cardiac vs skeletal
Passive force+ Active Force= total force
Cardiac muscle= less compliant/ stretchy so produces more passive force because of properties of ECM compared to skeletal muscle
Skeletal+ Cardiac have same active force properties
Therefore total force produced by cardiac when stretched= more
After a certain point, overstretching= rapid decrease in active force in skeletal but cardiac muscle can’t be overstretched because contained in pericardial sac.
Two types of contraction
Isometric- Muscle fibres don’t change length but pressures increase in both ventricles
Isotonic- shortening of fibres+ blood is ejected from ventricles
Preload definition
Weight that stretches muscle before it’s stimulated to contract
Afterload definition
Weight that is not apparent to muscles in the resting state only when the muscle has started to contract
Isometric contraction, preload, force
Increase preload= increase force until a certain point when it decreases sharply in isometric contraction
Isotonic contraction, afterload, force, velocity of force
Increase afterload= decrease shortening
At a longer muscle length, less of a decrease in shortening at the same afterload
Increase afterload= sharp decrease in velocity of shortening then flattens out
At a longer muscle length, less of a sharp decrease in velocity of shortening at the same afterload and hits 0 at a higher afterload
Measures of preload
End diastolic volume
End diastolic pressure
Right Atrial pressure
What is preload on the ventricles dependent on?
Stretching of resting ventricular walls
That is dependent on venous return
Afterload in the heart
Load against which LV ejects blood after the opening of the aortic valve
(Increase afterload= decrease shortening+ decrease velocity of shortening)
Measure of afterload
Diastolic blood pressure
What affects isometric contraction?
What affects isotonic contraction?
Ventricular filling (Increase stretch= increase force) Pressure in aorta (Increase afterload= decrease shortening+ decrease velocity of shortening)
Frank-Starling relationship+ consequence
Increased diastolic fibre length= increase ventricular contraction
Consequence= ventricles pump greater stroke volume so at equilibrium, the CO balances augmented venous return
Causes of Frank- Starling relationship
- Changes in number of myofilament cross bridges interacting
At longer lengths the actin filaments don’t overlap on themselves as much= increase myosin cross bridges that can be made - Changes in Ca2+ sensitivity of myofilaments (unclear)
Hypothesis 1: Ca2+ required for myofilament activation, troponin C which binds to Ca2+ regulates formation of cross bridges between actin+ myosin. At longer sarcomere lengths, increase affinity of troponin C to Ca2+ due to conformational change in protein. Therefore less Ca required for same amount of force
Hypothesis 2: Stretching= spacing between actin+ myosin decreases= increased probability of forming strong binding cross-bridges= more force for same amount of Ca2+
Stroke work definition+ equation
Work done by heart to eject blood under pressure into aorta+ pulmonary artery
Stroke work= Stroke Volume x Pressure
Stroke Volume= influenced by preload and afterload
Pressure= influenced by cardiac structure
Law of LaPlace+ equation
Also equates to?
When the pressure within a cylinder is constant, increase radius= increase tension (P x r)
Wall tension= (Pressure in vessel x Radius of vessel)/wall thickness (h)
Circumferential stress in a vessel= same thing (persistent high circumferential stress= vessel distension because radius increases= more stress on outside of vessel)
Implication of LaPlace on ventricles
Failing hearts?
Radius of LV curvature less than RV= LV can generate higher pressures with similar wall stress
Failing hearts often become dialated= increased wall stress
Stages of cardiac cycle
Diastole- Ventricular relaxation (1st step+ last 3)
Systole- Ventricular contraction
1. Atrial systole
2. Isovolumetric contraction (End-diastolic volume- volume in ventricles just before about to contract)
3. Rapid ejection
4. Slow ejection (End-systolic volume- volume left in ventricles after contraction)
5. Isovolumetric relaxation
6. Rapid passive filling
7. Slow passive filling
Stroke volume+ ejection fraction equation
Stroke Volume= End diastolic volume - End systolic volume Ejection fraction (%) = (100 x Stroke Volume) / End diastolic volume Ejection fraction= amount of blood being ejected by heart in relation to amount during filling (ratio) (clinical relevance) EDV= volume in ventricles when the heart has relaxed ESV= volume in ventricles when heart has contracted SV= amount of blood being ejected from heart
Changes in ECG, Aorta pressure, Ventricle pressure, Atrium pressure, Ventricle volume in cardiac cycle
Slide 7 lecture 2 onwards
Atrial systole
SA node stimulates action potentials flowing over atria
P wave signals atria depolarisation
Atria almost full from passive filling from pressure gradient (increase atrial pressure)
Contraction= blood ‘tops up’ ventricular volume (increase ventricular volume)
Sound= abnormal, indicates heart failure/ pulmonary embolism/ tricuspid defect
Isovolumetric contraction
Waves of depolarisation conducted to ventricular cells= contraction + CICR
QRS= start of ventricular depolarisation
Interval between AV valves (mitral+ tricuspid) closing and semi-lunar valves (pulmonary+ aortic) opening
No change in ventricular volume but still contraction so increase ventricular pressure
1st heart sound (lub) because of closure of AV valves