Cardiovascular control Flashcards
Look at flow diagrams from lecture
Membrane potential components
Electrical gradient- taking into account all ion charges
Concentration gradient- conc. of that specific molecule
Equilibrium = no further net movement of ions+ difference between gradients= 0
What does the resting membrane potential depend on?
Flow of K+ out of cells
Membrane potential at diastole
Membrane= only permeable to K+ at rest= potential across it= K+ equilibrium potential
K+ concentration maintained by?
Otherwise what will happen?
Na+/ K+ ATPase
What does the membrane change depend on?
Relative permeabilities of membrane to various ions
Membrane potential at upstroke of action potential (depolarisation)
Only permeable to Na+ so membrane potential= Na+ equilibrium potential
Goes towards Na equilibrium potential but Na channels close after so can’t do that and K+ channels open= back to repolarisation
Cardiac action potential compared to nerves
Much longer+ slower- duration control duration of heart contraction
Needed for an effective pump
Refractory period terms+ definitions+ purpose
Caused by?
Absolute refractory period= time during which no action potential can be initiated regardless of stimulus intensity- useful to allow atria to fill whilst cardiomyocytes can’t contract
Relative refractory period= period after ARP where action potential can be elicited BUT only with stimulus strength larger than normal
Caused by Na+ channel inactivation- channels recover from inactivation as membrane repolarises (as membrane potential becomes more negative again, increase Na channels available)
Refractory periods compared to skeletal muscle?
Tetanus: Repolarisation occurs early in contraction phase= re-stimulation+ summation is possible
Cardiac muscle: long refractory period= not possible to re-excite muscle until contraction occurs= cannot be tetanised
Phases of action potential in ventricular cells
0= Upstroke: similar to nerve cell, influx of Na= depolarisation 1= Early repolarisation: caused by increase in K conductance of membrane 2= Plateau: Ca2+ channels opening up 3= Repolarisation: K+ channels opening up 4= Resting membrane potential: diastole
Phase 0 of action potential depends on?
Large increase in permeability to Na+
Also increase in permeability to Ca2+ but not as much
What is required for Calcium Release from intracellular stores?
Why is it important?
Ca2+ influx
Essential for contraction
Phase 2 inhibition drug
Dihyropyridine calcium channel antagonists (eg. nifedipine)
Iₖ₁: specialised K+ channel action?
Responsible for?
When does it flow?
Allows for Phase 2/ Phase 3 happening later because GRADUAL activation of K+ currents that balance, then overcome inward flow of Ca2+
Large K+ current (Iₖ₁) from specialised K+ channel that is inactive when the plateau and only starts to flow once the cells have partially repolarised
Responsible for fully repolarising the cell + stabilise resting membrane potential= decrease risk of arrhythmias because takes large stimulus to excite cells
Flows during diastole
Action potential profiles in heart cause
Different ion currents flowing+ different ion channel expression in cell membrane
Intrinsic electric properties of heart
Capable of? Through?
What happens if seperated from nerve supply?
Extrinsic nerve supply function? Where does it come from?
Independent spontaneous generation+ coordinated propogation of electrical activity through specialised conduction system that starts with SA node that spontaneously depolarises
Heart can beat independently
Modifies+ controls intrinsic beating established by heart.
Comes from autonomic nervous system
SA node cell action potentials compared to ventricular cell Upstroke produced by? Ca channels? Diastolic membrane potential? Repolarisation?
Very little Iₖ₁- doesn’t have a stable resting membrane potential
Very little Na+ influx so upstroke produced by Ca2+ influx during CICR= slower upstroke
T type Ca2+ channels- activate more negative potentials than L type in ventricular cells
During diastole Na+ channels open which causes small depolarisation
Pacemaker current If present
Repolarisation= same as in ventricular cells (more gradual though because little Iₖ₁
Increased sympathetic stimulation effect on SA node cells action potential
Leads to depolarisation much more quickly
Reaches threshold value more quickly (-40mV)
Increase heart rate
Increased parasympathetic stimulation effect on SA node cells action potential
Slower depolarisation
Reaches threshold value slower (-40mV)
Decrease heart rate
Draw shape of action potential for
Ventricular cell
SA node cell
(slide 20, CV control 1)
Structures that modulate intrinsic heart rate
Parasympathetic nerve?
Where do the nerves work?
Sympathetic nerve stimulation nerves (SNS nerves) innervation leads to what?
Cardioregulatory centre+ Vasomotor centres in medulla
Parasympathetic nerve= Vagus
Vagus+ SNS nerves both act on SA node, SNS nerves work on ventricles too
Increased chonotropy (heart rate)+ ionotropy (contractility)
SA node location?
Just below epicardial surface at boundary between RA and superior+ inferior vena cava
Cardiac conduction system
Pathway of impulse
- SA node- cluster of autorhythmic cells
- Internodal fibres- rapid conduction tracts to stimulate atrial myocardium
- Atrioventricular node- delay wave of excitation+ insulate from superior ventricular myocardium- allows ventricular filling through seperation of atrial/ ventricular contraction
- Bundle of His- rapid conduction cells to transport insulated wave of excitation
- Ventricular fibres- propogate impulse across ventricular myocardium
Impulse carried on over atria , then down bundle of his to apex then travels up along base
Impulse propogation due to?
What reduces membrane resistance? Where do they form? What are they made of?
Combination of passive spread of current (either Na or Ca)+ existence of threshold which once reached, causes cell to generate its own action potential (no TV reached= no conduction)
Gap junctions= allow current to easily leak between cells + also allows for intercellular communication.
Form at intercalated discs
Made of connexons made of connexin joining to form tube