Cardiovascular exam Flashcards
Clean hands
Check name and DOB/age
Explanation and gain consent
End of Bed
Immediate intervention required?
In pain? Breathless?
Sputum pots/oxygen mask/NEWS chart/ medication
Hands and arms
Tar staining
Compare nail colour (peripheral cyanosis)
Splinter haemorrhages (infective endocarditis)
Capillary refill time
Fine tremor
Radial pulse - rate, rhythm, volume, character
IV track marks
Blood pressure
JVP Malar flush Conjuctivae (pallor/anaemia) Xanthelasma or corneal arcus (hyperlipidaemia) Lips and tongue (central cyanosis)
Listen to lung bases
crackles = left sided heart failure?
Lower limbs
Pitting oedema
Varicose veins
Peripheral pulses
Precordium inspection
Inspection - pectus excavatum, scars, pacemaker, visible pulsation
Precordium palpation
Palpation - tracheal position, apex beat, heaves, thrills
Precordium auscultation
4 valve areas with diaphragm and then the bell
Listen for S1 + S2 + (0) while palpating carotid
Over carotids for bruits and aortic systolic murmur
Patient on left side - listen over apex and in axilla with the diaphragm for mitral regurgitation and the bell for mitral stenosis
Patient sat forward - left sternal edge for aortic regurgitation
Peripheral pulses
Brachial Carotid Femoral (radio-femoral delay) Popliteal Posterior tibial Dorsalis pedis (auscultate carotids and femorals for bruits)
Thank patient
Help them dress
Clean hands
Document findings