cardiovascular exam #1 Flashcards
the left anterior descending coronary artery provides oxygenated blood to all of the following except the:
anterior interventricular septum
inferior interventricular septum
anterior descending, circumflex
cardiac apex
inferior interventricular septum
the circumflex artery provides oxygenated blood to all of the following except the:
anterior wall of LV
anterolateral wall of LV
lateral wall of LV
anterior wall of LV
the coronary sinus receives deoxygenated blood from all of the following veins except the:
great cardiac
middle cardiac
small cardiac
posterior cardiac
posterior cardiac
pulmonary venous flow normal occurs predominantly during
ventricular systole
true or false the left ventricle depolarizes slightly before the right ventricle
The SA node and AV node receive oxygenated blood from which coronary artery
adipose tissue around the heart is located between the
epicardium and myocardium
the sac that surrounds the heart is the
parietal pericardium
the thin membrane that lines the fibrous pericardium is called the.
parietal serous
the pericardial space is located between the
parietal serous pericardium and epicardium
the posterior free space created by the pericardial-pulmonary vein interface is the
oblique sinus
the free space created at the base of the heart by the pericardial-great vessel interface is the
transverse sinus
during ventricular systole, the heart moves how
moves downward, twists counterclockwise, and moves anteriorly
mens hearts on average weigh more than women’s hearts
the widest part of the heart is the
the left margin of the heart is called the ______ margin
where the diaphragm meets the right ventricle is. called the _________ margin
acute margin
externally where all four cardiac chambers meet posteriorly. is called the cardiac
internally where. the interatrial septum meets the interventricular septum is called the cardiac
the heart lies beneath the.
true or false a persistent superior vena cava is a result of the left horn of the sinus venous. remaining
which coronary artery supplies oxygenated blood to the sinoatrial node and the av node?
right coronary artery