Cardiovascular Drugs Flashcards
Coagulation Modifiers:
- Anti-coagulants
- Antiplatelet
- Hemorrheologic
- Thrombolytic
- Anti-fibrinolytic
Anti-Anginal Drugs:
- Nitrates and nitrites
- Beta blockers
- Calcium channel blockers
Types of Angina:
- Chronic stable
- Unstable
- Vasospastic
Determinants of cardiac output are:
- Heart rate
- Stroke volume
- Preload
- Afterload
Once inhibited Na and H2O will not be reabsorbed thus ___________ is accelerated.
It is a major risk factor for CAD, CVD, and death.
A deviation from the normal rhythm of the heart.
Drugs of adrenergic central-acting drugs are:
- Clonidine
- Methyldopa
Blood pressure = __________ output x ____________ vascular resistance
cardiac; systemic
3 types of CCBs:
- Phenylalkylamines
- Benzothiazepines
- Dihydropyridines
A drug that accelerates conduction.
Positive dromotropic drugs
Poor blood supply leads to ___________ and ___________.
angina pectoris and ischemia
Once a clot is formed and fibrin is present, ______________ (reverse clotting process) is initiated.
Drugs that accelerate the rate of urine formation that results in the removal of sodium and water from the body.
Digoxin is a type of cardiac __________ drug.