Cardiovascular Disorders Flashcards
Define Sinus Tachycardia
regular cardiac rhythm in which the heart beat is faster
Define Sinus Brady cardia
regular cardiac rhythm in which the heart beats slower
Define Supra-ventricular tachycardia
SVT - irregular heartbeat that is very fast and erratic affects the hearts upper chambers
Define ventricular tachycardia
a rapid heart beat the start in the lower chambers of the heart.
define ventricular fibrillation
an arrhythmia in the ventricle, occurs when the electrical signals that tell your heart muscle to pump cause your ventricles to quiver (Fibrillate) instead.
Define atrial flutter
an irregular heartbeat that occurs when the signals in the atria fire rapidly at the same time
Define Astyole
when your hearts electrical system fails entirely which causes your heart to stop pumping.
Define myocardial infarction
Occurs due to ischemia causing irreversible myocardia cell death (Necrosis), that leads to total absence of blood flow leading to an acute MI which usually occurs due to thrombus forming in a coronary artery
Common Signs and symptoms of MI?
CChest pain often described as crushing, pain not relived by rest. Pain in abdominal, Diaphoresis, pale, nausea or vomiting, pain radiating to neck, jaw, arm.
How do you manage a MI?
First Aid, antacid given, Aspirin and GTN given if confirmed MI, administer oxygen if needed, anti-platelet, anticoagulation therapy, beta blockers (Only if confirmed MI with 12 lead)
What is the 5s top method to interpret an ECG?
- Is it regular?
- Rate
- P to QRS ration, are there P waves? P;QRS 1;1
- Look at the QRS complex - Less then 3 small boxes
- PR interval - communication time between the AV and SA node
What are some abnormalities in an ECG?
Sinus bradycardia, sinus tachycardia, atrial dysthymia’s, atrial fibrillation, supra ventricular tachycardia (SVT)
Define Premature Ventricular contractions (PVCs) ?
Occurs when there’s an underlying issue such as hypoxia. Some people can have PVCs without any issues.
What is a MI also called?
What is unstable angina?
Ischemia without infarction , cardiac troponin are normal or slightly elevated. Slight depression in ST
What is a STEMI?
St- SEGMAENT Elevation Myocardial infarction
What is a common side effect of GTN and how can you prevent it?
Headache’s - Administer panadol
What is clopidogrel ?
inhibits platelet aggregation and is an alternative for patients who cannot take aspirin
What is glycoprotein?
platelet aggregation inhibitors
What is thrombolytic therapy?
Dissolves blood clots
When is thrombolytic therapy contraindicated?
active internal bleeding, possible aortic aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation, intracranial neoplasm or previous hemorrhagic stroke, recent traumatic brain injury or facial trauma
What are percutaneous cardiac interventions
Echocardiograms, Angiogram, Ballone and mesh.
Define Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
used to determine haemodynamic stability of a patient. The MAP refers to average pressure within the arterial system that is felt by organs in the body. MAP + (SBP =2DBP)/3
What are the shockable rhythms?
abnormal heart rhythms that can be treated with defibrillation, to return to normal rhythm
- ventricular fibrillation (VF)
-pulseless ventricular tachycardia
What are non-schockable rhythms?
abnormal heart rhythms that do no respond to defibrillation,
- asystole
-pulseless electrical activity