Cardiovascular diseases Flashcards
What is heart failure?
Condition where the heart is unable, with normal filling pressure, to maintain normal cardiac output to meet the body’s demand
What are the 2 types of heart failure?
Systolic HF - Heart cannot pump hard enough
Diastolic HF - Heart is not filled enough
What can be the causes of left-sided heart failure?
Usually systolic
- Ischemic heart disease (Damage -> Less contraction)
- Hypertension (Increased arterial pressure -> hypertrophy -> Increased O2 demand -> Weaker contraction)
- Dilated Cardiomyopathy (Increased chamber size -> Walls become thin + weak)
Can be diastolic
- Hypertension (Hypertrophy -> Less room for filling)
- Restrictive cardiomyopathy (Stiff -> Less compliance -> Less stretch + less fill)
What can be the causes of right-sided heart failure?
Usually caused by left-sided heart failure
Can be chronic lung disease (Hypoxia -> Constriction of arterioles -> Increased pulmonary blood pressure)
What are the clinical manifestations of left- and right-sided heart failure?
Fluid buildup in lungs (pulmonary edema) -> Less gas exchange -> dyspnea + crackles when breathing
Fluid buildup in body (veins)
- Jugular vein distention
- Fluid buildup in liver + spleen
- Fluid buildup in legs
What is Ischemic Heart Disease?
Decreased blood flow to the myocardium caused by plaques in the coronary arteries
What is the “general” etiology of Ischemic Heart Disease?
Atherosclerosis (Hypertension, smoking, High sugar + fat in diet, obesity, high age, diabetes)
Embolus, Vasculitis, Vasospasm
What are the 3 types of acute Ischemic Heart Disease and what characterises them?
Unstable angina
- Unstable plaque
- Chest pain at rest
Subendocardial infarct (NSTEMI)
- Unstable plaque
- Myocardial cell death in subendocardial myocardium
- Chest pain at rest
Transmural infarct (STEMI)
- Total occlusion
- Transmural injury of myocardium
- Chest pain at rest
What are the clinical manifestations of acute ischemic heart disease, both in terms of general, left ventricle and right ventricle symptoms?
Chest pain, Pain in left arm, neck and jaw
If in left-ventricle
Edema in legs, Hypotension, Reflex tachycardia
If in right-ventricle
Jugular vein distention, Edema in legs, Hypotension, Decreased blood to SA/AV node -> Decreased heart rate -> Sinus bradycardia + AV block
What are the ECG changes and findings in serum for the 3 types of acute ischemic heart disease?
Unstable angina
- No ST-elevation
- Maybe T-wave inversion
- No biomarkers
Subendocardial infarct (NSTEMI)
- No ST-elevation
- Maybe T-wave inversion
- Biomarkers
Transmural infarct (STEMI)
- ST-elevation
- Biomarkers
What are the 3 types of chronic ischemic heart disease and how are they characterised?
Stable angina
- Fixed coronary obstruction
- Angina pectoris with exercise (Center chest, neck, shoulders, arms)
Silent Myocardial Ischemia
- No angina pectoris
- Decreased blood flow
Variant (Vasoplastic) Angina
- Etiology unknown (Endothelial dysfunction, Hyperactive sympathetic nervous system)
- Angina at rest/minimum exercise (Usually at night/minimal exercise)
- Arrhythmias (ST-elevation, Rhythm disturbances)
What is atherosclerosis?
Hardening of arteries from plaques in the endothelium
What are the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors of atherosclerosis?
Hypercholesterolemia, Smoking, Obesity
High age, Family history (genetics), Male, Diabetes
Explain the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
High LDL in blood damages the endothelium in the artery -> LDL gets into the tunica intima -> LDL is oxidized -> Receptors and adhesion molecules are expressed on the endothelium -> Monocytes are recruited to the tunica intima -> Eats oxidized LDL (Becomes Foam cells) -> Promotes migration of smooth muscle cells to tunica intima -> Production og collagen -> Fibrous Cap
What are the clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis?
First: No symptoms
Depends on affected artery and how occluded the vessel is
- Coronary arteries: Ischemic heart disease -> Chest pain
- Peripheral arteries: Peripheral vascular disease -> Weakening of affected area
- Renal arteries: Decreased appetite, Kidneys think BP is low -> Increased renin -> Increased BP
- Carotid arteries: Weakness, dyspnea, headache, paralysis
Weakened vessel -> Aneurysms/ Thrombi
What is hypertension?
A sustained elevation of BP within the arterial circuit
What are the 2 classifications of hypertension by etiology?
Primary/Essential - Clinical presens of hypertension without evidence of a causative disease