cardiovascular Flashcards
deliver oxygen, remove waste (carbon dioxide), gain o2/expel co2
pumps blood away from heart (thick walls)
pumps towards the heart (thin walls)
exchange for oxygen, nutrients, waste
enlargement of vein in scrotum (causes infertility)
pulmonary artery
carries blood to lungs
pulmonary vein
carries bloods to heart
tricuspid valve
between right atrium and right ventricle
pulmonary valve
between right ventricle and artery
mitral valve
between left atrium and left ventricle
aortic valve
between left ventricle and aorta
phases of heartbeat
diastole (relaxation/expands) systole (contraction)
70-80 contractions per minute, pumping 3 ounces of blood per contraction
closure of tricuspid and mitral valve at beginning of systole
closure of aortic and pulmonary valves at end of systole
abnormal heart sound caused by improper valve closure
begins wave of excitation (atrioventricular node) to bundle of his which stimulate the ventricle walls to make them contract
electrocardiogram (ecg/ekg)
recording electrical activity of the heart using electrodes which detect changes on the skin that arise from heart muscle depolarizing during each heartbeat
P wave
excitation wave over atria
qrs wave
excitation wave over ventricles
t wave
electrical recovery/relaxation
heart block, bradycardia (heart rate less than 60), atrial flutter (rapid,regular contractions), fibrillation (rapid,irregular contractions)
excessively fast heart rate
blood pressure
force that blood exerts on arterial walls
narrowing of aorta at birth (causes left ventricle to generate higher pressure) impedes blood flow
patent ductus arteriosus
mixes oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
septal defects
either atrial or ventricular which causes defects in separating two and allows blood to flow between
tetraology of fallot
right ventricle develops thickened muscle
transposition of the great arteries
main arteries of the heart are reversed which changes blood circulation
congestive heart failure
heart is unable to pump sufficient amount of blood to meet body’s needs (pulmonary edema, shortness of breath)
b-type natriuretic peptide test
level of bnp reflects overloaded heart and stretching of heart muscles
yellow fat hardening due to atheroma
thrombotic occlusion
blockage of aorta/arteries
block blood flow
death in tissue/muscle due to obstruction of blood circulation
acute coronary syndromes
symptoms that arise from decreased blood flow (chest pain)
myocardial infarction
known as heart attack, caused by rupture of atherosclerotic plaque that causes complete blockage of artery and stopping of blood flow
troponin test
increased level of cardiac protein troponin is a marker of heart attack
percutaneous coronary intervention
nonsurgical procedure that uses catheter to place a stent that opens blood vessels
cardiac catheterziation
insertion of catheter into chamber or vessel of the heart
remove atheromatous plaque in the lining of an artery
delivering a therapeutic dose of electrical energy to heart
hypertensive heart disease
causes atherosclerosis
mitral valve prolapse
displacement of abnormally thickened mitral valve leaflet
mitral regurgitation
disorder of the heart in which the mitral valve does not close
mitral stenosis
narrowing of mitral valve opening that normally block blood flow
rheumatic heart disease
develops after strept throat that damages valves
inflammation of inner layer of the heart
inflammation of pericardium
blood-filled balloon like bulge in wall of blood vessel
deep vein thrombosis
formation of a blood clot within a deep vein predominantly in the legs
CVA (stroke)
disruption of normal blood supply to the brain
blood vessel breaks and bleeding occurs
dislodged clot that travels to arteries
blood clot in an artery heading to the brain
raynaud’s disease
excessive blood flow in response to cold or stress
varicose veins
veins that become enlarges and twisted, commonly in legs
lipoproteins that enable fats and cholesterol to move within bloodstream
bad cholesterol that drive atherosclerosis
good cholesterol that removes fat from walls of arteries
cardiac stress test
is a cardiological test that measures a hearts ability to respond to external stress