Cardiothoracic Surgery Non-Malignant Flashcards
What can cause lung abscesses?
Pneumonia PTE Lung Cancer Septic Emboli Aspiration
What is an abscess?
Collection of pus surrounded by granulation tissue
What are the 2 ways in which pus comes out the lungs?
Comes through the pleural cavity
Comes into the main airway and the patient coughs it up
If the pus coughed up has a pungent smell what does this indicate?
That it is an anaerobic bacteria causing the problem
What is empyema?
When there is pus in the pleural space
What is empyema more commonly due to?
What is oesophageal?
Ruptured oesophagus
In empyema what process occurs?
Inflammatory process
Prevents the lungs expanding
What is a pleurectomy?
When the visceral pleural is peeled off the lungs surface
This can be difficult
Easier in young people as the lung will heal
Will the CXR after a pleurectomy go back to normal?
No as there will always be a loss of volume on the affected lung
What are the different thymic tumours?
Thymoma Thymolipoma Thymic carcinoma Carcinoid Tumours Lymphoma
Why is it likely to remove benign tumours of the lung?
As they can grow to large size and take over the spaces that are there for the lungs
Give examples of benign lung tumours
Hamartoma Fibroma Lipoma Neural Tumours Papillomas Chondroma
When is it best to remove benign tumours of the lung?
Get them out when they are small
When will pneumothorax be considered for surgery?
If the chest drain has been in for more than 7 days then surgery would be considered
What is pleurodesis procedure?
When talcum powder is used
Creates an inflammation
This promotes the bonding between the 2 pleura
Above what ages is lung transplant not considered?
What are the commonest reasons for lung transplantation?
Cystic fibrosis
Pulmonary Fibrosis
What reasons might someone be rejected from a lung transplant?
Age <65 years Not overweight Not diabetic No renal failure No mental illness Good social support
What is the mortality for single lung transplantation?
What is the mortality for double lung transplantation?