Cardiorespiratory Flashcards
Causes of a bronchial pattern on rads
Bronchial wall dz: Infection: viral, fungal, protozoal Feline asthma Lungworm Sterile inflammation Irritants
Bronchial calcification: HAC Age related Previous insults Chronic renal dz
Peribronchial infiltrate w fluid or cells: PIE Neoplasia Oedema Fibrosis
Causes of a hyper vascular lung pattern
Pulmonary congestion due to heart dz Large left to right shunt Iatrogenic fluid overload Verminous arteritis (dirofilaria, lungworm) Pulmonary hypertension(due to severe chronic lung dz) Peripheral arteriovenous fistula Severe chronic anaemia Pulmonary thrombus/embolus
Hypovascular lung pattern causes
Compression of vessels due to air trapping
Hypovolaemia (shock, Addison’s)
Right to left shunts
Forward r sided failure eg pericardial effusion
Causes of a localised interstitial lung pattern
Bronchial FBs
Pulmonary thromboembolism
Contusion from blunt trauma
Pyothorax ab choice
Causes of chylothorax
Idiopathic CHF Neoplasia Thrombus in vena cava Lung lobe torsion PPDH Congenital abnormalities of thoracic duct
Dx of chyle
Fluid triglyceride > serum triglyceride
Tx idiopathic chylothorax
Repeated thoracocentesis, low fat diet, rutin
Ligation of caudal thoracic duct (new lymphaticovenous anastamoses should form as a result of blocking chyle flow into thorax) 60% success and 20-50 in cats (can’t ligate all branches and they continue to leak)
Treatment filaroides osleri
Ivermectin weekly for two months
Dx hypoplastic trachea
Tracheal lumen less than 2x width of third rib where they cross
Diagnosis A.vasorum
Visualisation of worms in BAL fluid or on endocscopy
PCR on BAL fluid, faeces or blood
ANGIODETECT antigen detection snap test
Diagnosis of aspergillosis
Visualisation of fungal plaques and cytology/histopathology of these
Can do serology as well but not as good
Treatment of feline dirofilariasis
Selamectin to prevent development of larvae past L4 stage and doxycycline to treat wohlbachia infection which often occurs concurrently
Body systems to investigate when sinus arrythmia is present