Cardiology Flashcards
At what BP value does hypertension become symptomatic?
> 200/120mmHg
What is stage 1 hypertension?
- clinial BP >=140/90
- ABPM/HPBM >=135/85
What is stage 2 hypertension?
- clinial BP >=160/100
- ABPM/HPBM >=150/95
What is severe hypertension?
systolic >=180
diastolic >=120
Drug causes of HTN
- leflunomide
- corticosteroids
- pregnancy
- coarctation of aorta
What do you do if someone has a BP >=180/120mmHg?
- specialist assessment if retinal haemorrhage or papilloedema, life threatening symptoms or suspected phaeochromocytoma
- urgent investigation for end organ damage
How would you treat someone with a BP of >=140/90?
- repeat reading
- offer ABPM/HBPM
- if >=135/85, treat if >80yo and one of factors
- factors: target organ damage, CVD, renal disease, diabetes, CV risk >=10%
- if>=150/95, treat regardless of age
What are the blood pressure targets?
- <80yo: 140/90mmHg clinical, 135/85mmHg
- >80yo: 150/90mmHg clinical, 145/85mmHg
- hyperkalaemia
- cough
- angioedema
Calcium channel blockers ADR
- flushing
- ankle swelling
- headache
Thiazide type diuretics ADR
- hyponatraemia
- hypokalaemia
- dehydration
Causes of ejection systolic murmur:
- aortic stenosis
- aortic sclerosis
- pulmonary stenosis
- tetralogy of fallot
- atrial septal defect
Causes of pan systolic murmur:
- mitral/tricuspid regurgitation
- ventricular septal defect
Causes of late systolic murmur:
- mitral valve prolapse
- coarctation aorta
Causes of early diastolic murmur:
- aortic regurgitation
- graham steel murmur (pulmonary regurgitation)
Causes of mid-late diastolic murmur:
- mitral stenosis
- Austin-Flint (severe aortic regurgitation)
Clinical signs of aortic stenosis:
- murmur radiates to carotids, decreases with valsalva
- narrow rising pulse
- narrow pulse pressure
- delayed ESM
- soft/absent S2
- S4
- thrill
- left ventricular hypertrophy (makes murmur quieter)
Clinical signs of aortic regurgitation:
- murmur intensity increased with handgrip manoeuvre
- collapsing pulse
- wide pulse pressure
- Quincke’s sign
- DeMusset’s sign
Clinical signs of mitral stenosis:
- mid-late diastolic murmur (best hear in expiration)
- loud S1 opening snap
- low volume pulse
- malar flush
- atrial fibrillation
Most common cause of mitral stenosis?
rheumatic fever
Most common cause of aortic stenosis?
> 65yo - calcification
<65yo - bicuspid aortic valve
Clinical signs of mitral regurgitation:
- murmur at apex and radiating to axilla
- S1 may be quiet incomplete closure
- severe may cause widely split S2/3
Clinical signs of patent ductus arteriosus:
- left subclavicular thrill
- continuous machinery murmur
- large volume
- bounding
- collapsing pulse
- wide pulse pressures
- heaving apex beat
- reverse split S2
How do you treat patent ductus arteriosus?
indomethacin or ibuprofen