cardiology Flashcards
talk about congenital heart diseases
30% of all congenital anomalies
Incidence of 8/1000 live births
8 common lesions account for 80% cases of congenital heart disease
what are 8 if the commonest lesions in congenital heart disease?
- Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
- Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
- Pulmonary Stenosis
- Aortic Stenosis
- Coarctation of the Aorta
- Transposition of Great Arteries
- Tetralogy of Fallot
what are the two tings affecting aetiology of congenital heart disease?
- Genetic Susceptibility -Environmental Hazard
- Teratogenic Insult - 18 to 60 days post conception
what are some environmental factors that affect congenital heart disease?
- DRUGS - Alcohol, Amphetamines, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Phenytoin, Lithium
- INFECTIONS - TORCH and others (Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, Herpes)
- MATERNAL - Diabetes Mellitus, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
what is the relationship between chromosomal abnormalities and CHD
- 6 - 10% of all CHD have underlying chromosomal problem
- 30% of chromosomal abnormalities have CHD
what are the most common chromosomal abnormalities connected with CHD?
- Trisomy 13 90%
- Trisomy 18 80%
- Trisomy 21 40%
specifically AVSD (Atrio-Ventricular
Septal Defect) but ASD and VSD
more common
what are other syndromes connected to CHD?
- Turner : Co-arctation of aorta
- Noonan : Pulmonary Stenosis (other ventricular outflow tract problems)
- Williams : Supravalvular aortic stenosis
- 22q11 deletion syndrome
(Digeorge – cleft palate, hypoparathyroidism and hypocalcaemia
Hyperplasia of thymus with T cell defect)
what symptoms would be suggestive of heart problems?
- Feeding (might get breathless or start sweating during feeds), Weight (won’t put on weight well - compensating for HF) and Development –> faltering growth
- Cyanosis (Right to left shunt causes central cyanosis)
- Dyspnoea
- Tachypnoea (HF) (pulmonary congestion)
- Tachycardia (HF)
- Hepatomegaly (HF)
- Exercise Tolerance
- Chest Pain
- Syncope
- Palpitation
- Joint Problems
- Murmurs (but most are innocent heart murmur)
what findings in the examination would be suggestive of heart problems?
Weight and Height Dysmorphic features Cyanosis Clubbing Tachy-/Dyspnoea Pulses/Apex (femoral pulses!) Heart Sounds (clicks, split, 3rd and 4th) Murmurs
what investigations would you do for heart disease?
Blood Pressure O2 saturation, arterial BGA ECG (12 lead, 24hrs, event monitor) CXR Echocardiogram Catheter Angiography MRI/A Exercise testing (ECG, sO2)
what are the treatment principles in heart disease?
- If you can fix it -> fix it
- If you can’t fix it -> improve the situation :
- medication
- palliative procedure, e.g.
BT shunt, balloon valvoplasty,
Prostaglandin infusion, pulmonary banding - If you can do neither ->replace it
what are the characterisations of murmurs?
- Timing in Cardiac Cycle
- Systole / Diastole / Continuous - Duration
- Early / Mid / Late- Ejection / Holo- or Pan Systolic
- Pitch / Quality
- Harsh or Mixed Frequency (Turbulence)
- Soft or Indeterminate
- Vibratory / Pure Frequency (Laminar Flow)
talk about the cardiac cycle
what are common murmur sites?
- Upper Right Sternal Border
talk about innocent murmurs
- 70-80% of murmurs
Specific Features - 4 Types