Cardio-Imaging 1 Flashcards
Normal chest X-ray
Cardiothoracic ratio should be less than ——?
What are 3 pathologies that can cause increased cardiothoracic ratio?
In order to have a good chest x-ray, one must follow RIPE. What does R stand for?
In order to have a good chest x-ray, one must follow RIPE. What does I stand for?
In order to have a good chest x-ray, one must follow RIPE. What does P stand for?
In order to have a good chest x-ray, one must follow RIPE. What does E stand for?
What is the most common cause of cardiomyopathy?
ischemic cardiomyopathy due to coronary artery disease
:notice that the image is not a full inspiration (doming in diaphragm, not enough ribs shown)
Pericardial effusion
or less likely a cardiomyopathy w/o congestive failure (the heart is enlarge but there is no congestion in the lungs)
Post contrast chest CT
Magnification differences PA and AP
Semi-erect is commonly performed for those in the or too sick to stand.
emergency room
Which one is inspiration and which is expiration?
Left is inspiration (diaphragm pushed down farther and higher volume)
Right is expiration (less desireable)
Which RIPE issue is apparent in this image?
The clavicles ends are not equidistant from the spinous processes
Can cause heart to look enlarged and is most common cause of chest wall deformity
If passive cardiophrenic angle, most likely benign fat. Can confirm with a previous x ray
Mediastinal mass (thymolypoma)
Review Cardiac Chambers
Be mindful that no contour in this image is made up of the right ventricle
What contour of the heart is seen on a lateral chest X-ray that cannot be seen from an AP or PA view?
The right ventricle
What 3 things are wrong with this image?
- Left atrial appendage is bulging outward (not flat or concave, usually associated with rheumatic heart disease)
- Left atrium enlarged (double opaque part)
- Cardiomegaly
What 6 things do you notice in this image?
- mediasternal clips
- Prosthetic mitral valve
- Left atrial appendage
- Markedly enlarge left atrium
- Moderate cardiomegaly
- Prominant vascularture (probably due to HTN)
Probably associated with rheumatic heart disease
What is wrong with this image?
Common causes include chronic HTN, also notice enlargement of thoracic aorta
Retrocardiac airspace shoud be defined and should not extend to the posteriorly to overly spine
What happens to the retrosternal airspace with right ventricular enlargement in a lateral view?
It fills most of the airspace on lateral view. It is tricky to distinguish right atrial from right ventrical enlargement and so often called right heart enlargement.
What is the conditon in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the metabolic needs of the body?
congestive heart failure (CHF)
What is the most common diagnosis of hospitalized patients over the age of 65?
What are the 3 most common causes of CHF?
- coronary artery disease
- diabetes mellitus
- hypertension
How do we measure left atrial heart pressures or pulmonary edema pressures?
It can be indirectly measured by the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.
What is happening during this Stage 1 - CHF?
A redistribution of blood flow into the upper lung fields (normally would find in base of lung) and widening of the vascular pedicle
How many stages in congestive heart failure?
In CHF Stage 2, fluid begins to leak out of vessels into the interstitial space, and can cause thickened interlobular septa that can be seen on imaging. What are these called?
Kerley B lines
How many different types of Kerley lines are there?
3, Kerley A, kerley B, kerley C
(the most important are Kerley B lines located posterolaterally)
What happens to the bronchi in the Stage II -Interstitial phase of CHF?
Peribronchial cuffing
They become thickened due to surrounding edema
(can cause expiratory wheezes, also known as cardiac asthma)
When the PCWP (peripheral capillart wedge pressure) increases to >25ml, fluid leaks into the alveoli, through pleura, and into the pleural space. What stage of CHF?
Stage 3- Pleural/Fissure effusions (usually bilateral)
- Enlarged heart
- Fluid in upper lung (cephalization)
- Kerley B lines
- Fluid in minor fissure (yellow arrow)
- subpulmonic effusions on both sides directly beneath diaphragm (hyperdense area between fundus of stomach and base of the lung)
- A more marked case of subpulmonic effusions
Stage III- Alveolar edema (classic appearance)
- Opacities (Bat-wing or butterfly appearance symmetric around hyla)
- Fluid leaked out to alveolar spaces
CHF alveolar edema can be resolved after treatment, what pathologies would not be resolved?
Tumors and pneumonia